Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I just wanted to introduce our new 2012 BLRW breeding pen! No eggs yet but should be any day!




Your splash hens' lacing are beautiful and so is your roo. Do you have pics of you blue and black hens as well?
Ordered BLRW eggs And everything that could go wrong has.
Fate does not want me to have these birds!

I feel the same way about German NH. I think I give up..... $300 later and still nothing to work with

If there is a breed you really really really want.... I recommend CHICKS. In the long run it might be cheaper.
Quote: Well.... I just bought a quad or Eng Orps... so something has to go. I might still keep the chicks I have. I can't sell the chicks very easy locally so not sure what to do. BUT MAYBE these chicks will give me some hope..... now if I can build some new pens over the summer I MIGHT keep some.

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