Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

regarding POL for BLRW, the ones I bought as chicks seem to have started so early - right around 4 1/2 months. I keep checking their charts and counting on my fingers...
regarding POL for BLRW, the ones I bought as chicks seem to have started so early - right around 4 1/2 months. I keep checking their charts and counting on my fingers...
were those from a breeder or hatchery?

hatchery birds are bred more for #s of eggs, while breeder birds were bred more for size and type. 2 totally different standards, and 2 distinctly different body types as well.
I have a dozen BLR eggs going into the incubator tonight. I'm still trying to get some nice pullets. Fingers crossed for a good hatch!
  1. fl.gif
Thanks! 6 out of 14 hatched. It would be nice for the experts here in this thread to help me identify the colors of my new additions. I'm so eggcited
to become a new owner of BLRW's. I'm not inclining towards becoming a breeder myself soon but will be happy on the pet-owner side for now. Please share your expertise. Here they are!

Thanks! 6 out of 14 hatched. It would be nice for the experts here in this thread to help me identify the colors of my new additions. I'm so eggcited
to become a new owner of BLRW's. I'm not inclining towards becoming a breeder myself soon but will be happy on the pet-owner side for now. Please share your expertise. Here they are!




Black I think... could be a really dark blue but black is my first thought.


Yay!... splashes I love their lacing hopefully mine will turn out like the beautiful splashes I've seen in this thread. Question-- If I end up with just one blue and it happened to be a pullet, Is pairing it with a splash rooster produce 50% blue 50% splash? Blue+Splash = 50% blue? Does it matter which one is a Rooster? Will black come to the picture as well?

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