Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Update photos! They are seven weeks today.

Everyone still think this is a roo?


I finally snatched up the other one! A black :( Pullet or cockerel?



I know the sun is bright-I was trying to get an accurate picture of the redness.
Someone i sold a black lrw pullet to is willing to sell her back to me yeah! I was not going to keep blacks but i have a massive big splash roo to put her with or i can put her with her dad and make more lol. Either way is a win.
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I am so unhappy with this cockerel I got scammed into buy and am stuck with I want it gone! :( dont know anyone who can take it, just my luck as far as chickens go!
I had said all cockerels and then the one in the middle has never developed the upright feathers and the comb is a V versus a bulging warty type of comb which the others have. Wishful thinking on my part it sounds like. Can you guys help me understand why you all clearly see a cockerel for the one I thought may be a pullet?

Dang it. McMurray Hatcheries sent me expensive straight run roosters. I sent them a e-mail about 3 weeks ago telling them I didn't get a single pullet out of them but never have gotten a reply. I may not get any wyandottes after these roos get processed. They are HUGE and I'm feeding them organic feed. Too costly for just laying hens I think.

Thanks for chiming in and teaching this newbie about sexing these wyandottes.
Pebcrb. Have you run an afd for free rooster. Also here, the hu main society takes chickens and adopts them out. I got two of my hens from them . You may want to check that out. Dont want your babies getting hurt. Or developing a fear of chickens becouse of one mean rooster.
I had said all cockerels and then the one in the middle has never developed the upright feathers and the comb is a V versus a bulging warty type of comb which the others have.  Wishful thinking on my part it sounds like.  Can you guys help me understand why you all clearly see a cockerel for the one I thought may be a pullet?  

Dang it.  McMurray Hatcheries sent me expensive straight run roosters.  I sent them a e-mail about 3 weeks ago telling them I didn't get a single pullet out of them but never have gotten a reply.  I may not get any wyandottes after these roos get processed.  They are HUGE and I'm feeding them organic feed.  Too costly for just laying hens I think.

Thanks for chiming in and teaching this newbie about sexing these wyandottes.

Hi! The cockerel in the middle picture has clearly visible saddle feathers. That was the first reason I said all were boys. It also has areas on its wing bows where the feathers are a patch of red with no lacing, (don't know how else to describe it?) That is also a cockerel trait. The wattles look a bit large as well, but at that age I wouldn't go by wattles alone. Everything together however, is why I voted boy. :)

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