Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!


Splash #2

Sorry, they all look a little hot today.

Thanks, all!
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My son won grand champion in 4-H and Jr Open in the American class at our county fair with his BLRW hen. Also received 2 blue ribbons and one red ribbon with his rooster.

New to this breed. What makes these two culls? They came from a reputable breeder who had Sterling and Foley lines and very beautiful birds.
New to this breed. What makes these two culls? They came from a reputable breeder who had Sterling and Foley lines and very beautiful birds.
the roo's back is too long and he lacks type, his breast is high and shallow. the hen's color is too orange, not a deep dark red like it should be, she is also long backed and lacking in type. wyandottes should have a smooth U configuration from head to tail, with tail almost as high as the head.

New to this breed. What makes these two culls? They came from a reputable breeder who had Sterling and Foley lines and very beautiful birds.
This is my opinion.

They are nice chickens..they are not breeder quality. If you want some eggs for your family they are perfect as family pets.

This is a new variety of Wyandotte. It takes many chicks to find one that is breeder quality. Please go to Foley's web and look at his birds. He culls birds that do not fit into a spacific standard. If he did not he would be going backwards. That front page shows the correct color. Red..not orange, not yellow. Deep beautiful rich red...Lacing, fine and delicately laced with blue. A vibrant contrast against the deep red. it is art. The Wyandotte body is round. The chest is full all the way to the leg. The rear wide enough to place your full hand between the legs.

I am using this off his web page to show round body.

The tail carriage is not correct on this bird..the color is good and so is the structure.

This link will let you see some breeder quality birds too

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