Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

You can look @ their feathers the girls will have 2 diff lengths while the boys will all be the same

That only works if you breed for it. Not accurate other wise. I forget the cross..... the sire has to have a slow feathering gene and the dams fast feathering..... or vise versa. You can't just randomly breed chickens and then feather sex them.
I have my first batch of the year in the incubator now. 12 BLRW, 5 BLRWxAmericana, 2 SS and 5 out of my pullet pen which are mixes of last years hatches. I'm so excited my BLRW pullets have been laying for the past few weeks now. The weather we've been having has made their laying pattern fluctuate so much, I hope it gets better soon so they can be more consistent. I'll try when it warms up to get some updated photos to share. My only BLRW that hatched out late fall is doing well, her color is too lite so she won't be used for hatching. I'll throw her over in the other coop for eating eggs once warmer weather comes. She won't be laying for some time so nothing to worry about now. I have 4 BLRW hens and 2 roos now. I plan at some point this spring to purchase a few more hens if I can find them. For now they are all cooped together until snow melts and I can get them in their own breeding pens. I keep the Americans in there as they all get along so well and people seem to love their chicks for EE'ers.

Wanted to say thank you for all the lovely photos you all share and the plentiful of information I get daily from this group!
Every one of my Wyandottes is broody..even my Silver laced

They all layed through the winter and now are taking a break. With the Easter hatch coming around the corner if I can't break them, I will at least be putting them to work.
Every one of my Wyandottes is broody..even my Silver laced

They all layed through the winter and now are taking a break. With the Easter hatch coming around the corner if I can't break them, I will at least be putting them to work.
I feel bad for you, my BLRW hen is broody and she hasn't been laying since last fall. Every day egg collection is a fight with her to collect the others eggs. She must wait for them to lay then she scoots on the eggs, what a lil stinker. At least she's not one of the nicer BLRW so I'm not too sad. But when it gets warmer I'm sure to let her have a clutch to sit on and hatch.
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I hatched 110 out of 127 eggs this week, all breeds and varieties combined.
I felt a wave panic for a moment when I opened the hatcher. Gonna have to pull back on the reins if this continues. :th

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