Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I tried to get my wife to cave on the no rooster luck. Didn't help matters that we just got back from Kauai......she had her fill of crowing there.
Oh but the bigger they are the deeper the crow. Doesn't grate on ones nerves. lol

My BLRW boys have just started crowing. I find it extremely cute, which is a funny way to describe a crow lol!
I expected them to go through a voice-cracking stage, but their first crows came out like real crows just quieter.

Can anyone help educate me on a couple traits I am noticing in my wyandottes? These are NOT going to be used as breeders, ever, but I am using them as learning tools to identify features and defects. It was hard to see the different traits at first, but I think I am getting the hang of it...

1 cockerel has a nice sized spike on his comb, possibly even too wide(spike). I thought the spike was a little blunt or short, but I recently noticed it is actually curling under itself. Instead of following the line of the head, it's started to grow under in a loop. Will he grow out of that, or is it a permanent defect?

a different cockerel has a smaller comb. His comb was always behind, I thought he was a girl. now his comb is starting to grow and redden. His spike is really small compared to the first cockerel. he also has 3 spikes instead of 1. the 2 extra spikes are really small. I am wondering if the center spike would grow out, and the 2 side spikes would look like comb bumps eventually? or is this an immediate cull? I don't know how I never noticed it before.

again, just trying to learn :) I promise not to breed them!
Okay, BLRW are on my future to want list. But that'd years down the line. Posting so I am subscribed so I can keep oggling your lovely birds until then. I see they work on a BBS scale of sorts. Do you tend to see more dark blues? Or are they just favorites? I've gone through hundreds of posts on this board. How heat tolerant are they? I live in an area of Texas that has sweltering summers. My Aussies are the same size and seem to do fine.
I do most of the time, but when they are all going at the same time it can be a little much! DH is a light sleeper and claims to hear them but I've also gone upstairs while they are crowing and he's fast asleep. We have neighbors kinda close so I do try to keep the noise down.
Okay, BLRW are on my future to want list. But that'd years down the line. Posting so I am subscribed so I can keep oggling your lovely birds until then. I see they work on a BBS scale of sorts. Do you tend to see more dark blues? Or are they just favorites? I've gone through hundreds of posts on this board. How heat tolerant are they? I live in an area of Texas that has sweltering summers. My Aussies are the same size and seem to do fine.

I live near Baton Rouge, LA, and we get some pretty intense heat in the summer as well. I have had no issues at all - they have coped wonderfully.

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