Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Beautiful birds! It is easy to pick out your roo, thanks for the comparison pics. I will keep "him" a few more weeks to be sure, and keep hoping the comb/wattles don't turn red. As long as he isn't crowing he can stay for a little while. I was really hoping it would be a pullet, since he's is no good for breeding with the straight comb.

I love looking at these pics! I came here because I have a single chick that is a BLRW cross breed. If I buy chicks next year, this kids is what I'll buy. My Wyandotte cross is "partridge" colored. I'm praying "she's" a pullet. My other three are BLC (blue laced Cochins) and since they're bantams, will have small eggs. I'm hoping my "partridge" chick is a pullet so I'll have at least one bird that lays large eggs. "She" has a rose comb. Do all the Wyandottes have rose combs?
I have to hop on board this thread! I have been waiting, not very patiently, for my 15 BLRW chicks to arrive in a couple weeks! Looking at these pics is not helping my anxiousness!From the 1st time I laid eyes on them, I knew I had to have some! To sum up the colors, is there basically 3? Blue, Black, Splash?
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Okay, mine are almost seven weeks now. I am sure the black one is a pullet, but still not convinced either way with the blue. The straight comb throws me off. Any thoughts? The legs look pretty thin to me, and the comb isn't particularly red. I am biased thought, b/c I really want it to be a pullet! This is the black just to show her lacing coming in, you can't see her face/comb here, but the comb is still completely flat and I'm sure she is a pullet.
I'm just now getting familiar with the genetics, as I wanted to learn how all the colors work...but curious, what's up with the single comb? Do you know where that came from? I know nothing about the heritage of my BLRW, whether the guy who raised them bred a BlBlxblbl or two Blbl, giving me who knows what. Someone I know was selling them at a swap ''for a friend'', so we'll see. His other friend raises some true Ameracaunas, I believe, and he has nice birds so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I really want it to be the BLR color. Even if it's a roo I'll keep it if I can. The colors are so beautiful in these birds I'm seriously thinking about having a flock of them later. Did that comb come in because of an inadvertent cross somewhere? Or is it something in their heritage that can pop up periodically in some lines? Thanks :) And it's pretty regardless of what you have.
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This is my first time with BLRW, but here is what I know. The straight comb is a variation that can pop up, but is not breed standard and you can't show the bird and shouldn't breed it. It is not necessarily from a cross, although it could be. My chicks came from local backyard eggs, I had a first time broody and didn't want to spend money on pricey eggs in case she didn't do well. I did not see the parents, so I don't know if one had a straight comb, or if it just came up in the genetics. The black one has a rose comb. From what I understand, if you get eggs or chicks from a breeder who is working on SOP for the breed, than the chances of a straight comb should be low to none b/c they cull for that trait. That is about all I can help with ! I sure someone on here with more knowledge could explain it better. I think both of my chicks are pretty, but I can tell already that their lacing won't be super precise, but I knew when I got the eggs that they weren't "fancy" ones. I'm glad to get at least one pullet, but man I really wanted the blue to be a girl!
I have to hop on board this thread! I have been waiting, not very patiently, for my 15 BLRW chicks to arrive in a couple weeks! Looking at these pics is not helping my anxiousness!From the 1st time I laid eyes on them, I knew I had to have some! To sum up the colors, is there basically 3? Blue, Black, Splash?
That sums it up.
Not trying to open a can of worms here but here is the 411 on straight combs. Straight combs are RECESSIVE so if you have birds with rose combs they could still carry the straight comb genes and will produce straight comb chicks. As for getting them from breeders and getting a low number of straight combs.... IDK about that.... Some believe that straight combs improve fertility and really don't try to cull it out of their flocks. That does not mean they keep straight comb birds it just means they have birds that are split for it. You can test mate to cull them from your flock but they don't.
Thanks for better info on the combs! I don't have any first hand experience, just going by what I was told about not breeding a straight comb.
This is my first time with BLRW, but here is what I know. The straight comb is a variation that can pop up, but is not breed standard and you can't show the bird and shouldn't breed it. It is not necessarily from a cross, although it could be. My chicks came from local backyard eggs, I had a first time broody and didn't want to spend money on pricey eggs in case she didn't do well. I did not see the parents, so I don't know if one had a straight comb, or if it just came up in the genetics. The black one has a rose comb. From what I understand, if you get eggs or chicks from a breeder who is working on SOP for the breed, than the chances of a straight comb should be low to none b/c they cull for that trait. That is about all I can help with ! I sure someone on here with more knowledge could explain it better. I think both of my chicks are pretty, but I can tell already that their lacing won't be super precise, but I knew when I got the eggs that they weren't "fancy" ones. I'm glad to get at least one pullet, but man I really wanted the blue to be a girl!

Thanks for the info! The lacing on this one is much nicer than my SLW, that's for sure. I'm completely enamored with the blue color now! Lol
My little chick is only 2 weeks old. I would've had 3, but someone bought the other two before I could get them so I have a Mottled Java for it as well. Once we pull out extra males in my other breeds I may look for more of these :)
Not trying to open a can of worms here but here is the 411 on straight combs.  Straight combs are RECESSIVE so if you have birds with rose combs they could still carry the straight comb genes and will produce straight comb chicks.  As for getting them from breeders and getting a low number of straight combs.... IDK about that....  Some believe that straight combs improve fertility and really don't try to cull it out of their flocks.  That does not mean they keep straight comb birds it just means they have birds that are split for it.  You can test mate to cull them from your flock but they don't. 

Thank you! :)
I thought that might be the case with some lines or colors. There's all these different stories on some of their origins, some just theories. Some have only rose combed birds in their heritage while others mention leghorn. I haven't yet read all of the articles I've found, but it is very interesting. Thanks again!

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