Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

We haven't started on additional coops yet and I'm all out of space. Meyer goofed up an order and birds I was expecting late August are arriving tomorrow! Yikes lol
I have 2 SLW from Meyer and one BLRW from I don't know what source in my laying flock :)
Wendy went broody after seeing my two black copper Marans co-mothering their clutch. so I gave her two new chicks to surrogate! so far, so good.

Cutie babies, and GORGEOUS mama! I have had my Marans and SFH hennies go broody on me, but have nowhere for them to raise a clutch! I tried to move my Marans to a separate pen and give her a guinea baby that just hatched, but she was upset about being moved and ignored it. Oh well! LOL!
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My 1st BLRW's. They are 1-1/2 weeks old. Does it look like I will have blues or is it too early to tell? The chick on the far right looks like an extremely pale splash, so when I compare them,the others look blue, I am so hoping anyways! They are super cute either way!
It looks like you have all splash there... But they could still have light blue lacing and light blue skirts. :)

My 1st BLRW's. They are 1-1/2 weeks old. Does it look like I will have blues or is it too early to tell? The chick on the far right looks like an extremely pale splash, so when I compare them,the others look blue, I am so hoping anyways! They are super cute either way!

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