Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

When did your BLRWs start laying? I think they look mature, they are about 30 weeks or more, but no squatting or nest box exploration. Are they poor winter layers? Just curious, I know every bird is different
8-10 months
Well, they are seven months now, I'll try to be patient! Their combs are so bright red, and they have become very vocal in the past few weeks, so hopefully soon! I have an 18 week BLRW/EE mix that I think will lay before my 31 week BLRW! These girls are my first non-hatchery birds, it is amazing how different they are. All of my hatchery girls (different breeds) started laying by 20 weeks, and are much smaller than my hens from a breeder. Especially my BLRW, those ladies are huge! Even the cross is a big girl.
I've seen alot of BLRW from a few of the well know hatcheries at the swaps this past year and if your looking for quality I would not buy from them. If your looking for just back yard eye candy, they will suffice. Most were gold not mahogany and the splash birds had huge white patches all over. Just what i've observed.

Some photos of my BLRW Bantams, any comments on these would be appreciated as my first time with Bantams of this version. Excuse the 2 WW photo bombing. Their color is a bit light but upon inspection you can see more mahogany growing in. I was told I had 10 pullets and 1 cock but looking like over 7 cocks so far, if anyone can tell if theirs any pullets in there please chime in. TYIA

Some photos of my BLRW Bantams, any comments on these would be appreciated as my first time with Bantams of this version. Excuse the 2 WW photo bombing. Their color is a bit light but upon inspection you can see more mahogany growing in. I was told I had 10 pullets and 1 cock but looking like over 7 cocks so far, if anyone can tell if theirs any pullets in there please chime in. TYIA
Check the feathers at the base of the neck on their backs and the saddle feathers, should be coming out by now. Long and skinny are males. short and round are girls. Pretty fool proof for Wyans.

Some photos of my BLRW Bantams, any comments on these would be appreciated as my first time with Bantams of this version. Excuse the 2 WW photo bombing. Their color is a bit light but upon inspection you can see more mahogany growing in. I was told I had 10 pullets and 1 cock but looking like over 7 cocks so far, if anyone can tell if theirs any pullets in there please chime in. TYIA
I think the one sitting on the ground on the left is a pullet, with the blackish comb - hard to say on the rest! lots of pink combs in there

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