Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Thanks for the opinions! My other two Blrw pullets are 31 weeks, so they didn't grow up together for direct comparison. The pointed appearing feathers in the saddle are actually round feathers with pointy lacing. I know that pic didn't demonstrate it very well, but the actual feathers are round. I know I should be able to tell by now! Wyandottes give me a tough time b/c they are so big and their combs redden early. One of my pullets everyone said was a roo, but I said I would wait to be sure, and yesterday she gave me her first egg! I am actually now leaning pullet for this one, I just feel like a roo would be more obvious by now.
Thanks for the opinions! My other two Blrw pullets are 31 weeks, so they didn't grow up together for direct comparison. The pointed appearing feathers in the saddle are actually round feathers with pointy lacing. I know that pic didn't demonstrate it very well, but the actual feathers are round. I know I should be able to tell by now! Wyandottes give me a tough time b/c they are so big and their combs redden early. One of my pullets everyone said was a roo, but I said I would wait to be sure, and yesterday she gave me her first egg! I am actually now leaning pullet for this one, I just feel like a roo would be more obvious by now.
From experience, if your 15 week old has bigger legs and comb than your 31 week olds.... he is a he! And at 15 weeks, the feathers should definitely show a roo or pullet!
Thanks for the opinions! My other two Blrw pullets are 31 weeks, so they didn't grow up together for direct comparison. The pointed appearing feathers in the saddle are actually round feathers with pointy lacing. I know that pic didn't demonstrate it very well, but the actual feathers are round. I know I should be able to tell by now! Wyandottes give me a tough time b/c they are so big and their combs redden early. One of my pullets everyone said was a roo, but I said I would wait to be sure, and yesterday she gave me her first egg! I am actually now leaning pullet for this one, I just feel like a roo would be more obvious by now.
Wyandottes are really slow to mature. Some are even slower than others. I see the roundish juvenile feathers that you are referring to, but I can see the adult ones just starting to come in in the middle of the back. If you can pick him/ her up, part the feathers in the middle of the back a bit and look at the new feathers coming in. You might be able to see some shiny pointy saddle feathers starting to come in under the others.
It has been the consensus with this chick that it is most likely a cockeral. However, it is now almost 15 weeks, and no mature roo feathers or behaviors, and comb development seems more on track for a hen! Posting a few pics for opinions, tried to get close ups but the chick wasn't feeling it. I have someone who wants it if it is a pullet, and since the lacing/coloring isn't so great I'm fine with letting it go, but don't want to give someone an accidental roo. Thanks!

Pullet. The wings are too laced to be a cockerel.
How is the egg production in this variety?because I am drooling for their colors but I want to know if they lay well!
And I know this is a really old thread!
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How is the egg production in this variety?because I am drooling for their colors but I want to know if they lay well!
And I know this is a really old thread!

This is a very active thread.

If you get nice quality BLRW they are OK layers. If you get hatchery they might be better layers. You will sacrifice quality of birds for egg production if you get hatchery.
Here is one of my favorite girls of the year. She's pushing 9 months old.

Wow, thats some nice color! ^

It has been the consensus with this chick that it is most likely a cockeral. However, it is now almost 15 weeks, and no mature roo feathers or behaviors, and comb development seems more on track for a hen! Posting a few pics for opinions, tried to get close ups but the chick wasn't feeling it. I have someone who wants it if it is a pullet, and since the lacing/coloring isn't so great I'm fine with letting it go, but don't want to give someone an accidental roo. Thanks!

Whats the gray and white one in front?

Meyer hatchery is sold out of BLR's, so I told my friend to just order me some Golden laced wyandottes.
Here is one of my favorite girls of the year. She's pushing 9 months old.


It has been the consensus with this chick that it is most likely a cockeral. However, it is now almost 15 weeks, and no mature roo feathers or behaviors, and comb development seems more on track for a hen! Posting a few pics for opinions, tried to get close ups but the chick wasn't feeling it. I have someone who wants it if it is a pullet, and since the lacing/coloring isn't so great I'm fine with letting it go, but don't want to give someone an accidental roo. Thanks!

looks like a cockerel to me.
I see some shiny feathers coming in on the back (separate the feathers in good lighting for closer inspection, they come in on the left and right side of the back, almost where the wings hit the back) and the comb is very red for 15wks, have never had a pullet with that red that young.
Whats the gray and white one in front?
She is a Welbar, cross between a Barred Rock and a Welsummer. I purchased her from cpartist on here, she is beautiful and lays a dark egg with a pinkish wash.
Here is one of her images, not my bird but mine came from here.

My girl is a little more silver than these, she is in a molt currently, but here is one of her pics.

She is also an awesome broody, she was the "mom" of the chick I was asking about, and at 15 weeks is still looking out for her chicks.
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She is a Welbar, cross between a Barred Rock and a Welsummer. I purchased her from cpartist on here, she is beautiful and lays a dark egg with a pinkish wash.
Here is one of her images, not my bird but mine came from here.

My girl is a little more silver than these, she is in a molt currently, but here is one of her pics.

She is also an awesome broody, she was the "mom" of the chick I was asking about, and at 15 weeks is still looking out for her chicks.

Wow Beautiful!

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