Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

So many people think "Blue Laced Red Wyandotte" is a term that encompasses Blue, Black, and Splash laced wyandottes. This mindset is mainly due to the fact that beginners fail to recognize that there are other varieties of Laced Red Wyandottes, and identify all Laced Red Wyandottes as BLRW simply because they aren't aware that they are indeed a different variety. This is not entirely the fault of the beginner, as Splash and Black Laced Red Wyandottes are significantly overlooked in the world of "Laced Red Wyandottes", since they do not breed as consistently as BLRWs. No good breeder would use a Black or Splash generally, with exceptions being to darken blues or to make lacing more crisp and defined. There are no movements to get Splash or Black Laced Reds into the APA. They are significantly overlooked. I have seen people refer to Splash Laced Red Wyandottes as "Splash Blue Laced Red Wyandotte". Same with Black Laced Red Wyandottes. This just again shows how much people fail to recognize each as their own separate variety with equal validity as Red Laced Wyandottes. You wouldn't call a Black Ameraucana a "Black Blue Ameraucana", would you? Well, the same goes for RLW's. They follow the same Blue Black Splash genetic chart as Ameraucanas, as well as JG's and Andalusians and a couple other popular chicken breeds.

I too made this mistake starting out. I thought BLRW was a term that encompassed all Laced Red Wyandottes. I entered my Splash Laced as a Blue Laced and was confused why the judge said that the lacing wansnt blue enough. He was judging him to the standard of a totally different variety!

Anyways....rant over. Hope some of you found this information useful.

Christmas came early and a friend got me 6 pullets and 1 cockerel.
Tell me what y'all think. I don't knoe anything about BLRW. Just know I love wyandottes and don't know if these look like the correct color for BLWR or not.
Either way I'm happy to add them to my flock.
Thanks G

Christmas came early and a friend got me 6 pullets and 1 cockerel.
Tell me what y'all think. I don't knoe anything about BLRW. Just know I love wyandottes and don't know if these look like the correct color for BLWR or not.
Either way I'm happy to add them to my flock.
Thanks G

How old are they? Is it just me, or does it look like there might be more than one possible cockerel there? The one on the left at the bottom (the splash) and the one on the top at the right (the blue) both have dark-ish combs...heck, even the comb of that one farthest to the left (the blue) has a pretty dark comb, although I don't really see any waddles...but yeah, I'd say the splash on the bottom left is almost definitely a cockerel. You should take individual pics for us to drool over

I'm hoping only one cockerel and he's the one closest to me in the very last pic. Do I have any true BLRW or are most gonna be splash or is it to early to tell?
It does look like you've got a couple blues, but they're kinda light. And I still think it looks like you've got more than one cockerel there, either that or some really early maturing pullets...did you say how old they are? I'd keep an eye on the two behind your splash boy in that second pic. The one right behind him and the one on the right behind him. When their hackle feathers come in, the boys will have super shiny ones and the girls will have dull ones. So just keep an eye on their necks and their combs/waddles. If those other two sprout waddles and get super pink combs, or their hackle feathers come in shiny, they're most likely boys. They're cute, though. Are they from a hatchery? I really like the blue looking right at the camera in the 4th pic and the splash in front in the next to last pic.
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They were born 10/18 and no not from a hatchery. My friend picked them up from a farm in North Texas.
I live in North Texas north of Denton and I think this place was south of me about an hour.
Thanks for the feedback. I will def keep an eye on the other 2 in suspect.
Only need one rooster so if more than one turns out I will be looking to get rid of them if anyone in my area is interested.
Regardless of color I'm really pumped about this group. Right now I have some beautiful Golden Laced and have realized the Wyandotte craze is very addicting.
Trying to build pens to get just about all the Wyandotte colors lol.
They were born 10/18 and no not from a hatchery. My friend picked them up from a farm in North Texas.
I live in North Texas north of Denton and I think this place was south of me about an hour.
Thanks for the feedback. I will def keep an eye on the other 2 in suspect. 
Only need one rooster so if more than one turns out I will be looking to get rid of them if anyone in my area is interested.
Regardless of color I'm really pumped about this group.  Right now I have some beautiful Golden Laced and have realized the Wyandotte craze is very addicting.
Trying to build pens to get just about all the Wyandotte colors lol.

Lol, I totally get it. I have Silver Laced, Blue Laced Red, and Gold Laced. I love all of them. In fact, one of my Silver Laced girls just started laying about two weeks ago...leave it to a wyandotte to start laying in winter! She waited long enough, though. She was eight months when she started! Fingers crossed you've only got one cockerel, although at that age, a pullet shouldn't really have a comb as dark as those other two. But I'll keep my lips zipped and just hope for the best for you. Either way, they're very pretty birds!
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How old are they? Is it just me, or does it look like there might be more than one possible cockerel there? The one on the left at the bottom (the splash) and the one on the top at the right (the blue) both have dark-ish combs...heck, even the comb of that one farthest to the left (the blue) has a pretty dark comb, although I don't really see any waddles...but yeah, I'd say the splash on the bottom left is almost definitely a cockerel. You should take individual pics for us to drool over

I agree....probably more than one cockerel. Pullets can have tiny pale pink wattles early on.... just depends on the individual bird. But any comb and/or wattles that are dark pink or red will be boys. Just from the stance , you definitely have one dominant Cockerel...... I have two BLRW roosters and one is more dominant over the other and he has more dominant traits ( he started crowing earlier standing upright all the time doing the love dance with the ladies and trying to breed everyone and everything early on .... his brother was calm quiet and content to just peck the ground and take naps with the ladies lol) although they get along fine together because they are in a huge area to roam about.

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