Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Does anyone have 3-4 week old pics of blue, black, or splash chicks? I thought I only had one with blue but a couple of greyish blacks are starting to look blue! I'll try to take pics.
So splash?


And black? I have the gold too so not sure which is which for now.
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I tried again to get some better pictures, but it was super windy tonight of course. I also realized after I was done and back in the house that my white balance must have been a little off, they all look more gold-y than they really are. I'm going to post a picture of one of the roosters (rooster 1) first, and all but the splash laced hens are about that shade of red, not orange-y. I know it's hard to critique because it was windy, and I got not as many good ones as I thought I did of course. They just look so much better than the last time I posted them! I'm having a really hard time telling if the two roosters the color of "rooster 1" are light blue, or are actually splash? I lean toward just a light blue. The other roosters are just so dark blue it makes them look so light. I know they are lacking in type, but their color overall seems so good I'm still pretty pleased with them! Basically just let me know what you think, keeping in mind the reds are mostly the color of "rooster 1, and their legs are little more yellow in person." The 2 splash ladies are lighter, and have more shafting in their feathers.

rooster 1

Dark rooster and splash hen

Splash hen

Hens. The hen that appears to only have one leg is my best hen I think, so naturally she's the most skittish. She seems to have the best body type, laving, and head type. Of course, hard to see in this "I'm getting out of here" photo of her.

Another rooster

Just as reference I have 1 black laced red rooster, 4 (I think) blue laced roosters (2 dark, 2 light), 2 splash hens, and 4 blue hens, one with incomplete lacing on feathers.

Thank you for your input!
I tried again to get some better pictures, but it was super windy tonight of course. I also realized after I was done and back in the house that my white balance must have been a little off, they all look more gold-y than they really are. I'm going to post a picture of one of the roosters (rooster 1) first, and all but the splash laced hens are about that shade of red, not orange-y. I know it's hard to critique because it was windy, and I got not as many good ones as I thought I did of course. They just look so much better than the last time I posted them! I'm having a really hard time telling if the two roosters the color of "rooster 1" are light blue, or are actually splash? I lean toward just a light blue. The other roosters are just so dark blue it makes them look so light. I know they are lacking in type, but their color overall seems so good I'm still pretty pleased with them! Basically just let me know what you think, keeping in mind the reds are mostly the color of "rooster 1, and their legs are little more yellow in person." The 2 splash ladies are lighter, and have more shafting in their feathers.

rooster 1

Dark rooster and splash hen

Splash hen

Hens. The hen that appears to only have one leg is my best hen I think, so naturally she's the most skittish. She seems to have the best body type, laving, and head type. Of course, hard to see in this "I'm getting out of here" photo of her.

Another rooster

Just as reference I have 1 black laced red rooster, 4 (I think) blue laced roosters (2 dark, 2 light), 2 splash hens, and 4 blue hens, one with incomplete lacing on feathers.

Thank you for your input!
You have some good genetics with that #1 cockbird in the first pic. Pretty good type, great hackle color, decent base feather color and good wing mahogany color especially in the coverts. I cant see the cocks in the other pics well but they have good color, although a bit of shafting. Your hens are your main concern, none of the ones in the pics are anything particularly great, but they are decent. The one in the fourth pic on the right has to be your best female as far as color, but I cant say as far as type.
I agree with what you've said with the limited pictures I ended up with. I'd like to get an individual picture of all 11 of them to get them hard critiqued. I'm excited for their next molt to see what that brings. They'll only be a year old in about a month and I heard it takes them about 18 months to fully mature. I can't believe how much the roosters have changed just since fall, they looked pretty terrible type wise, and my favorite one then, ins't my favorite now in type. His tail feathers are very stiff and I'm pretty sure they're supposed to have a softer feather in their tails.

In regards to my hen with incomplete lacing, how heritable it that? I'd prefer to not use her just knowing she isn't great in that respect, but if it's something that isn't easy to pass on, maybe I'd just give her a try and see what I get? Any thoughts on that?

Hopefully I'll be able to get good pictures of them all so you guys can rip them apart in critique. I intend to keep a small flock, but I only want to produce the best I can out of what I have :)

Thank you!!
I tried again to get some better pictures, but it was super windy tonight of course. I also realized after I was done and back in the house that my white balance must have been a little off, they all look more gold-y than they really are. I'm going to post a picture of one of the roosters (rooster 1) first, and all but the splash laced hens are about that shade of red, not orange-y. I know it's hard to critique because it was windy, and I got not as many good ones as I thought I did of course. They just look so much better than the last time I posted them! I'm having a really hard time telling if the two roosters the color of "rooster 1" are light blue, or are actually splash? I lean toward just a light blue. The other roosters are just so dark blue it makes them look so light. I know they are lacking in type, but their color overall seems so good I'm still pretty pleased with them! Basically just let me know what you think, keeping in mind the reds are mostly the color of "rooster 1, and their legs are little more yellow in person." The 2 splash ladies are lighter, and have more shafting in their feathers.

rooster 1

Dark rooster and splash hen

Splash hen

Hens. The hen that appears to only have one leg is my best hen I think, so naturally she's the most skittish. She seems to have the best body type, laving, and head type. Of course, hard to see in this "I'm getting out of here" photo of her.

Another rooster

Just as reference I have 1 black laced red rooster, 4 (I think) blue laced roosters (2 dark, 2 light), 2 splash hens, and 4 blue hens, one with incomplete lacing on feathers.

Thank you for your input!

Great looking birds!
#8144 of 8169
18 days ago

So Rob, if you have blue and splash hens, do you see any reason to keep a splash rooster around?

Not really much use for a splash rooster although I like the way they look. You could put a splash too with some black laced hens to make BLRW to sell for pretty backyard layers. I don't show birds and I sell chicks just to locals that want pretty birds in their backyard flocks so when my old blue rooster died I bought a splash rooster and used him until my young blue roosters matured. I'd actually like to get a black laced rooster to put over my splash hens so I can sell all BLRW but I don't get many black laced chicks and they always seem to be pullets. I'm sure I've sold a few as straight run chicks but of the ones that I've kept to raise up they have all ended up pullets.
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