Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

One of my big splash hens went broody! One more week till they hatch! This is a mixed flock with a splash rooster, two splash hens, two gold laced, two silver laced, two americaunas, a black laced and a buff Orpington ... who knows what will hatch!? Haha
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I purchased some orpington eggs and the gentleman threw in some extra eggs from his other breeders. This chick hatched from an egg labled BLRW. Does this chick look like a blue laced red Wyandotte? Ive never had any before. Also if it is a blrw does it look blue or splash? Thanks!

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I purchased some orpington eggs and the gentleman threw in some extra eggs from his other breeders. This chick hatched from an egg labled BLRW. Does this chick look like a blue laced red Wyandotte? Ive never had any before. Also if it is a blrw does it look blue or splash? Thanks!


Looks splash to me
My big girl hatched 14 out of 15 eggs this weekend. Only one needed a little help, found him in the corner belly up and cold, thought he was dead till I touched him and he moved. Put in on a heating pad and back to life he sprang!

Congrats! What a good girl. Um, why does it look like a piece of lumber is sticking through her side?
Bit hard to read all 828 pages, specially with the new layout.

Where can I find BLRW from Foley lines? I know he's selling some now but $770 for 6 chicks with 4 days to go is obviously out of my budget. Anyone selling BLRW from foley lines? Thanks

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