Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I thought I'd post some newer pics of my BLRW flock, they are 5 months old now!!!!

some of my breeding flock


my cockerel that just started crowing this morning! We call him Kid Rock


a close up of the same cockerel


my splash pullet, and a few blue pullets


some of the breeding flock

i'll post more pics soon!!!! Please check out my page for more pics of them!!

i will be selling hatching eggs and chicks from this flock early Spring 2012, please pre-order in January!


I know, this is a stupid question and stupid on my part. I hatched a few BLRW and GLW at the same time. I figured I'd be able to tell them apart for sure. Well, I now have a BLRW and I'm not sure if I have a Black LRW or a GLW. Does anybody have pictures or the two side by side? I can try and get a picture too but I don't get the best pictures with my phone and I can't find my camera. It is buried in the mess I call my truck (a big 4 door F350)

Thanks. To me they look the same color but I'm not sure. I lost a lot of chicks to the heat when these were young so that's another reason I'm not sure what exactly I have.
Hi Jim,

I think you ordered some from me? If they are the only ones you have, I didn't have any black in my flock at that time so you would have only had splash & blue as my cock was splash. If you have others breeders BLRW, can't help you there.
Sorry that didn't help. I don't have any GLWs, just a trio of BLRWs, so I can't do a comparison pic of the birds' colors. I do have some gold brabanters, so the best I can do is this:

BLRW cockerel

gold brabanter cockerel

It's also possible that your gold could be really dark or your red very light. I've seen some BLRs that looked more gold than red, so it's definitely possible.
Hi Jim,

I think you ordered some from me? If they are the only ones you have, I didn't have any black in my flock at that time so you would have only had splash & blue as my cock was splash. If you have others breeders BLRW, can't help you there.

I did get some from you and some from another source (Tab_boe) at the same time. I have had the worst lock with BLRW but that seems to be changing. Will you have any eggs later this fall or winter(up until March)?
Sorry that didn't help. I don't have any GLWs, just a trio of BLRWs, so I can't do a comparison pic of the birds' colors. I do have some gold brabanters, so the best I can do is this:

BLRW cockerel

gold brabanter cockerel

It's also possible that your gold could be really dark or your red very light. I've seen some BLRs that looked more gold than red, so it's definitely possible.

Thanks. The line that my GLW come from have a real dark rich gold, as do my Gold Laced Polish. if you go to you will see pictures of the line. Thanks,
Hi Jim,

I think you ordered some from me? If they are the only ones you have, I didn't have any black in my flock at that time so you would have only had splash & blue as my cock was splash. If you have others breeders BLRW, can't help you there.

I did get some from you and some from another source (Tab_boe) at the same time. I have had the worst lock with BLRW but that seems to be changing. Will you have any eggs later this fall or winter(up until March)?

Glad your luck is starting to change. They are my favorite of all the breeds we have. The roo's are so friendly and so good with their ladies.

Yes, probably come January I'll have more hatching eggs available. Most of the hens are seriously molting right now and I want to split them out by the end of this month. I currently have a splash, blue and black roo, over splash/blue hens. I want to pen each roo up with a few hens to get 3 different breeding groups going. The black roo is going to a new home after I get a batch of chicks from him, so those will be the first I split out. At least I think the roo is black. He could be a very very dark blue. That's why I want to do a test hatch with him before he goes to help figure out if he is black or blue. Let me know if you want me to put you on my list and I can let you know when I start collecting hatching eggs.

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