Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!


Can anyone confirm for me I have four splash and two blues or perhaps one blue (front) and possibly a black? That is my Austrolorp playing foster mom. She's been fabulous and SO lucky she went broody three days before chicks were picked up!! :)
Yep, if I were to guess, I'd guess four splash, a black and a blue.
Everyone has beauties! New to the forums and very much enjoying the commonality, chickie crazy :)

We are blessed with many LF and Bantam BLR. Have to dig up some photos...
Just found this thread! Anyone wanna help me figure out these little ones?

These chicks are both 4 weeks old, the size difference is crazy.
Are they blue or splash? Any guesses on sex? They're supposed to be pullets but the comb on the little one sure got pink fast....

Just found this thread! Anyone wanna help me figure out these little ones?

These chicks are both 4 weeks old, the size difference is crazy.
Are they blue or splash? Any guesses on sex? They're supposed to be pullets but the comb on the little one sure got pink fast....


Those are splash... And if they are rosecombs you will have to wait a bit longer, unless you vent sex..or are they getting any of the saddle feathers yet, they still look a little young for that. Check out my at the bottom of my signature, you can see the difference in my chick pics between the splash and the blue and I have my adults on there too.
I just recently purchased 4 blrw. I have pictures of them, but I can't post as I am on my phone. I was wondering if there was anyone that could email me and I send the picture and they tell me if I have hens or roosters they are 4 months old. But I am not sure as all have combs and wattles but different patterns . Anything would help me sex these beauties. And one has a cross beak if it was a hen would it be safe to breed her or would it be best to do away with her when I do my roosters?

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