Blue rocks

Just thought Id update my blue rocks.

My blue roo now has his harem, and I am thrilled that I have just put some eggs in the bator of his, from a splash and several barred rock hens. I absolutely can't wait to see what they look like. The barred rocks are the absolute best layers; the splash and blue hens arent nearly as consistant. So I am hoping to combine the beautiful blue and splash color with the egg laying capabilities of the barred rocks. Will it work? Who knows. This is the main man.



I realized the bigger and more beautiful he got that the more difficult it would be to replace him if something happened to him. I have some blue rocks growing out, and this young rooster started looking awfully pretty. I don't need 2 blue roos, but if something happened to the main guy Id be in trouble. I think I may have a splash roo also, but he's way too young to tell. This is the younger blue roo that I decided to keep also.


those have got to be the most gorgeous birds I've ever seen!!!!
Where did you get them from & how can I get my hands on some eggs next year?!!
I am drooling all over my keyboard & screen!!
Thanks, everyone. I had quite the dilemma this spring and summer, what with having blue rocks and blue orps. They were all just so gorgeous. I had to decide to go one way or another. It seems the breeding future of blue orps is in very very good hands, from all the posts on this forum. So I found a great gal here in town to take over the blue orps from me, which gives me the room now to concentrate on the blue rocks. I really cant wait to see what I get with the barred rocks. I also have 2 black rocks growing out that were produced from 2 blues; they are gorgeous! Deep black with dark purple shine to them. I might even breed some black rocks, and maybe some splash also.

I love my rocks...
Whoa! I had NO IDEA that blue rocks are so gorgeous! I admit to being fascinated by the whole blue/black/splash thing, but I thought I'd have to add another breed like orphs or Ameraucanas to get those colors. Not after seeing these pics I won't. It's blue rocks for me!!! I've already got buff rocks and am toying with the idea of some barred rocks or some delawares. May have to scrap that idea in favor of blues!

Thanks so much for posting these. I learn the most amazing stuff on BYC!

Not to hyjack your thread at all, but if anyone, anywhere near me is interested in some of these (5 mnths old) please contact me. Due to health reasons I am having to place my birds in good homes and have a nice set of breeders, that like you Halo, I had intended to improve the breed with. I have a spash cockrel, splash pullet, 4 blue pullets, with a trio of barreds out of SQ lines as well as 2 extra barred pullets from Ideal.
Thanks, and your boy is gorgeous!

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