Blue rocks

I picked up my first Blues from Kathy on the way home from your place!! I have bred a Halo splash to my Good Shepherd barreds to get sex links. I'm up here in SC now, but don't have time to come by and see you. Maybe next trip when it's warmer up here!!.......stan
If I were you, I'd be wanting to get back to FL where maybe it's warmer, brrr.
I've never had any Good Shepherd Rocks, just my old hatchery Rocks : )
Moved another group of 9 Rock chicks to brooder this morning --- 1 black pullet, 1 splash pullet, 1 blue barred cockerel, and 6 splash and blue (gender?). I can probably compare combs and tell gender on those?
I've been looking everywhere for blue rocks. Would you happen to know how I could get in touch with this Jim Cox?
Does anyone have any hatching eggs, chicks or stock for sale. We would love to get started raising the beautiful rocks. Are flock is made up of rocks and would like to expand to another type of them.
I never could find a roo for my girls. the ones I had and the few I hatched were either barred or had silver leaking. I sold all my hens as I started another project with them. I am on to black rocks now. still looking for the elusive solid blue chicks.

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