Blue rocks


Breeding to the Standard of Perfection. No "Halo" lines. Breeding stock sales to serious breeders only--none available at present. I do not sell eggs.
Very nice pics! If not from 'Halo', where did you get the blue??? Didn't know anybody else had them..........

I can't remember the name but she got them from a man in I want to say north Carolina or Virginia......

can't wait to star making my own. might get the first pen set up this week.....yeah!
In this pullet's case, the blue gene came from under white a few generations back. I also have a second line that I crossed to Andalusian to get laced blue, like the originator did 100 years ago.
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Not sure I understand the term 'from under white'? Was this a white rock with a recessive blue gene?? As for the Andalusian cross, I thought that all blues came from andalusian? Is this not true? And if so, why go to another breed? Why not just use a poorer quality blue rock to get the same color?? Seems it would e easier to set type?? One more question if you don't mind. Did you recently use the name Ravenswood?? Did I sell you some bad eggs??........stan
Hey Stan, that's me. White can hide all sorts of colors, and in this case we found one that was covering blue barred instead of black barred. I bred out the white and barring over the last 2 years. Blue is never recessive, just hypostatic to white. If the blue is not laced with black, it is not proper blue. Even my pullet pictured is incorrect. Since very few seem to know or care what proper blue color looks like, the Andalusian outcross was the way to go. Sure it will take years of work on type, but when I get there there will be no comparison.
Thanks for the explaination Joe. I hope to see some pics from you in the next couple of generations. Still not sure that I have a grasp on the difference between edging and lacing.....I never did hold a feather up in front of a white piece of paper. True lacing is a black edge on a white feather, and what you are calling edging is a blue edge on a blue feather?? Seeing your pics sure makes me look forward to getting back into breeding blues. I'm keeping some of those fancy New Hamps right now. I'm down to a splash cock and a black pullet in the rocks. She is decent, but he leaves a lot to work on. Maybe I'll be able to drive over your way and see a true blue someday while I pick your brain!.......stan
Any time, Stan. I'm attaching a picture of true Andalusian lacing, which is a black edge on a blue feather:

Most of the "blues" today are edged at best; edging is actually a reduction in the pigment along the outside edge that allows the feather below it to show through. This doubling effect somewhat resembles lacing when on the bird, but when you pluck a single feather and evaluate it on its own, the difference is night and day.

I will try to regularly post pictures on my Facebook page, . After the beginning of the year, I imagine it will be a longer drive for you; I move to Vermont to start work as state livestock extension specialist. But i'm always looking for serious breeders who will help me bring back this variety!
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I understand that. I need the visual explanation! I'll check the next time I get a look at some from my cross. I have been promised eggs....... I really like the blues, and want to breed to standard, but not sure I'm serious enough to drive to Vermont! Never know though. I'm retired now and did always want to see that fall color up there. ..Wish you all the best in the new position, and with the development of some special blues!......stan

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