Blue rocks

I'm trying to find someone else out there who breeds them, I can't believe that I am the only one out there! Of course I had to loose the contact info of the lady I got them from! I have only a trio that is mature enough for breeding so it's kind of hard to get any amount of chicks out of them
Thanks, I've got a great carpenter and here in FL we need airy coops in the summertime.

Thanks, Anderson! Lovely birds and nice coop, too!

LOL, no, I sat on a stool that I keep in the chick coop, and I held the camera down to the right level and clicked away. Thank goodness for digital, remember when we couldn't "waste" film like that and you didn't know what the pictures looked like until they were printed?!?!?
I would love to know how you got those photos....were you laying on your tummy??
I dont have any older birds available, but I am hatching chicks, if you want some of them. I don't ship, tho.

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