Blue rocks

There hasn't been anything on this thread for a long time so I thought that I would share a few pics of my Easter hatch from the eggs that I got from "halo". They are almost 25 wks. old. There is one black pullet,two blue pullets and a blue cockerel. I have received many complements on these birds and hope to use them as a basis for my future flock. Any comments are welcome, good or not. I know others have hatched some blues and would like to see how they have turned out. If anyone knows why LF black rocks haven't been admitted to the SOP but the bantams have, I would like to know. Have a nice day, Charles.

Beautiful blues, everybody!

I have a couple of LF blue Plymouth Rocks (not sure on their genders, but I think I've got one male and one female) and a three barred Plymouth Rocks (one male, one female, and one I'm not sure on but think is a female).

Both of my blues have dark grey/blue legs and blonde streaks in their neck feathers. Is this normal?

I've been thinking about crossing my blues and barrs together, but I'm not sure how they'll turn out. Does anybody have some pictures that they would be willing to share, preferably of the adolescent/adult stages?
Blues should have yellow legs by the standard, but in reality many have gray legs or yellow with too much gray in the legs, especially the females. Roosters tend to have more yellow legs. The blonde streaks should not be there.

If you cross blue and barred it matters whether you use rooster and hen from barred or from the blue.

The young will have a 50:50 chance of being blue or black and whether they are also barred depends on the cross you use since barring is sex linked.

Cross 1. Barred rooster on blue hen will produce 100% barred feathering in the young (genetically the offspring males will be heterozygous for barred)

Cross 2. Blue rooster on barred hen will produce only barred cockerels (genetically these males are heterozygous for barred) and all solid colored pullets (either black or blue).
There hasn't been anything on this thread for a long time so I thought that I would share a few pics of my Easter hatch from the eggs that I got from "halo". They are almost 25 wks. old. There is one black pullet,two blue pullets and a blue cockerel. I have received many complements on these birds and hope to use them as a basis for my future flock. Any comments are welcome, good or not. I know others have hatched some blues and would like to see how they have turned out. If anyone knows why LF black rocks haven't been admitted to the SOP but the bantams have, I would like to know. Have a nice day, Charles.

Wow, those are beautiful birds!!
Blues should have yellow legs by the standard, but in reality many have gray legs or yellow with too much gray in the legs, especially the females. Roosters tend to have more yellow legs. The blonde streaks should not be there.

If you cross blue and barred it matters whether you use rooster and hen from barred or from the blue.

The young will have a 50:50 chance of being blue or black and whether they are also barred depends on the cross you use since barring is sex linked.

Cross 1. Barred rooster on blue hen will produce 100% barred feathering in the young (genetically the offspring males will be heterozygous for barred)

Cross 2. Blue rooster on barred hen will produce only barred cockerels (genetically these males are heterozygous for barred) and all solid colored pullets (either black or blue).

Great, thanks for the information!
Any ideas on where the blonde-ness came from? The fellow I got these from had black, white, and blue Plymouth Rocks, and two splash PR roosters.
Picked up my blonde-r blue rooster today and the feathers are no longer light gold; they look almost as though they've turned whitish-silver with black edges. Any thoughts?

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