Bobwhite quail chick colors?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 10, 2013
New Lebanon, OH
First, I'm brand new to quail... We were gifted some Bobwhite quail eggs [25 eggs which fit perfectly in my little incubator] and they started to hatch yesterday. We got one yesterday that was dark chocolate brown with no discernible stripes. This evening I came home and there appears to be at least one more of them. So I am wondering what this means... do we have some imposters, does this decern gender, or is this a normal thing?


I recently built an incubator and was giving around 100 eggs from a friend that raises Northern Bobwhite. He told me that the eggs were about 2weeks old probably wouldn't hatch but I was looking for anything to try in bator. They should have hatched on Saturday 06-14-15 and nothing happened. Sunday came and nothing until late that night, 11 hatched. Monday I woke to about 30 and finally today I ended up with 43 total. I to have about three or four that are a dark chocolate color. I was wondering also if the color will change or if it was a different breed. this is two from the same hatch.


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