Both feet first....

I hope you turn out to be right. It's surprising how easily some of these predators can slip past dogs, and slip through the openings in welded wire fencing. I know hardware cloth is some extra expense, but it's cheaper than replacing your flock. Good luck with your flock.

It's just inconceivable to me that anything would climb the fence during the day. Hasn't happened in 15 years but of course we've never had chicken bait.

Other than snakes, what could defeat welded wire? On the other hand what's a few MORE dollars...
It's just inconceivable to me that anything would climb the fence during the day. Hasn't happened in 15 years but of course we've never had chicken bait.

Other than snakes, what could defeat welded wire? On the other hand what's a few MORE dollars...

Rats, weasels, and minks would be the most likely threat to pass through the openings in the welded wire in your area. Hopefully, it would never happen, but a single weasel or mink can slip through some pretty small openings (not hardware cloth though), and wipe out an entire flock in a very short span of time.
Rats, weasels, and minks would be the most likely threat to pass through the openings in the welded wire in your area. Hopefully, it would never happen, but a single weasel or mink can slip through some pretty small openings (not hardware cloth though), and wipe out an entire flock in a very short span of time.

Thanks. We don't have weasels or minks. Like everywhere we do have rats but I can't say I've ever seen one in daylight hours.
It would be awful to lose any.
Ugh.... back to Home Depot I suspect... not like I don't know the way and they don't know me by now....
You'd be surprised how many predators are out during the day and NOT rabid, fox, skunk, raccoons, etc. Hawks during the day and owls at night. Predators have adjusted to follow the food whatever time of day as long as the pickin's are good. Fox can jump and climb. Raccoons have opposable thumbs and can open whatever latches you can. They are also great diggers, climbers, and will even jump down from tree branches to get a meal.

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