Brahma Contest - Ends Never

Thats ok I am not picking a winner anymore, I love them all way too much. {Ps. He is one beautiful bird.}

Thanks, he also has a great personality and is my favorite to show, and his only major flaws are his crooked middle toes. You can't see in the picture, but his underside is black and brown, so he has 4 different colors.
These are my other two Brahma mixes, I don't know what their other parent was, and we only guessed that they are Brahma.
This is Blackie, the Brahma mix pullet that Red is with.

This is Marvin, another Brahma mix cockeral.
I love to show off my Brahmas -

Frack, dark Brahma, and the favorite

Samson, a red pyle Brahma, huge and still growing

Rocky, the main man, making a crater in the back yard

Gizmo, blue partridge, RIP

Some of the kids

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