Brahma Thread

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I have a brahma mix. Her name is Daphne


I believe the dad was brahma, as her sister and half sister share similat characteristics. The half sister is brahma and buff orpington. Very lovely mixes!
Welcome! Another Irish poultry keeper, we'll take over the world yet!

That, my friend, is a brahma cross. If you look back ver this thread you'll see brahmas of all ages, and you'll see how different they are.
Good morning everyone I just found this thread, I have 6 Brahma hens, 4 buffs and 2 light. One of my lights {DiDi} is sitting on 3 eggs right now should see chicks around the 14th..
Welcome! Another Irish poultry keeper, we'll take over the world yet!

That, my friend, is a brahma cross. If you look back ver this thread you'll see brahmas of all ages, and you'll see how different they are.

C'mon the rebels ,Thanks for that.Searched the web trying to find out what type of Brahma it was.
She is a lovely juvenile,heard she might be a big bird.The hens are a big help keeping me sane in this recession.
Best of luck.
Yes. definitely a Brahma cross. Don't ever be afraid to ask too many questions. If they get too upset with you they are probably tired of making up stories about the birds so go on to the next seller. Most people I've met in all of Chickendom are really nice, and can't do enough to help you out. We all started somewhere and there ain't nothin' wrong with asking questions.
I can't wait to post pics-I have all 3 varieties of Brahmas coming the week of April 18th. I had a beautiful Buff Brahma roo named Rudy, and his Gorgeous son Creampuff (mix of Rudy, and a White Rock-really pretty cream/crele pattern) but lost both of them last year, along with all of my other birds, to a coyote.
I have come to love many breeds of chickens, but Brahmas will always be a favorite.
My Brahmas, well 3 of them were a gift from a friend she wanted to down size her flock in 2 ways size and amount, so i took her last 3 large hens and I tell you the more i am around the Brahmas the more I fall in love with them, they are so laid back and friendly, They lay nice size eggs too.
i wish i could have kept the Light Roo I had but her was terrorizing my bantams and also started attacking us when we were out in the yard, so I don't have a roo that will give us pure Brahma off spring but I'm hoping that the mix of Brahma and game/bantam will produce a nicer calmer chick than my games have been. Love the pictures of your colors, really nice..
I think Brahma's have got to be one of the friendliest breeds and some of the best layers. I am looking for good blue brahma of any style. Any leads anyone????
The last couple of times I have auctioned eggs i get pms from people saying they missed it. FYI--I just put a doz bantam light eggs up. If anyone might be interested. Thanks.
Tim Lindenborn
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