Breeding a Frazzle?


10 Years
Dec 28, 2009
I believe that I may have a Frazzle on my hands after reading about them. She FINALLY molted (the first time in over a year) and looks great right now, but before she had the naked neck/crunchy primary wing feather thing going on. Poor thing was the ugliest little bird you'd ever seen.

I am working on a Silkie/Cochin/Frizzle cross (for my own purposes). What would happen if she were:

Bred to a Silkie?

Bred to a Silkie/Cochin cross?

Or, should she even be allowed to breed at all?

Thanks :0)
A Frazzle is when you mix to Frizzles together...if you just want frizzles you need to bred a Cochin and Frizzle Cochin (if thats the type of frizzle they are) not good with genetics, but I thought i'd give my 2 sence and bump you up on the boards!
I am NOT good with genetics.
But a frazzle is considered undesirable and as such I wouldn't breed it. Hopefully someone more experienced can answer fully, but at my limited level of knowledge, I'd say no to breeding.
If its a "frazzle" (or as some call it, a "curly") with 2 copies of the frizzle gene, then you should be able to breed it to a non-frizzled bird, and get 100% frizzled offspring.

ETA: If you breed it to a silkie, not only will the offspring be frizzled, but they will all be split to silkie feathering as well.
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Breeding her back to a cohin will add a bit of the fluff factor back to it. Should work out well.

It is also possiblt to get frizzled, silky feathering. Silky feathering that is curled and frizzled back.
Correct, and the proper term for this is "curly," not frazzle. There is absolutely no reason not to breed from a curly (assuming that there are no other defects in the bird). All offspring will be frizzled, and if bred to another frizzle, half their offspring will be curly, the other half normally frizzled.

Make sure the curly has extra protein and oil seeds regularly, and especially when growing feathers.

This is what I was thinking as well. Yes, a 'Frazzle' is not desired and it's easy to see why. The feathers are so fragile that the barbs (if that is the correct term, and I don't think it is, lol) fall right off of the shaft. In fact, after this molt I can see some damage already.

I guess that my thinking was similar in that a Frazzle has 2 Frizzle genes and by outcrossing to a smooth or a silkie, that 100% of offspring would be 'frizzled'.

I was not sure if there were any other genetic deformities/anomalies common in Frazzles, other than poor feathering, which could be passed on to its offspring.

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