Breeding area and clipping wing feathers


14 Years
Jun 11, 2008
Poplar Grove, IL
Need some opinions on setting up a breeding area for one tom and three hens.

I currently have all my turkeys free ranging on my farm. They roost in the barn, on corral panels (not my idea), the hens sometimes are in the rafters. I want to hatch out some of my recessive blue Narragansetts. I have a 10x 22 area made of dog kennel panels in the barn/run in area so there is plenty of light and air but no grass. The roof is also covered with dog kennel panels. I would say a determined predator could tunnel in but otherwise it's pretty secure.

I was planning on putting the 4 in this setup but am now thinking it's not enough room.

I could extend the pen out another 10x20 or so feet using a greenhouse frame (looks like about $250 on Amazon) and netting. Or I could clip their wings and set up my electric netting (free) which will give them a lot more room during the day.

Downside of the netting would be my chocolate hens might jump in. I can't clip their wings because they free range. If the chocolate hens jump in I might end up with eggs from the chocolate hens and the blue tom giving me black turkeys which I'd have to sell.

My questions 1) is 10x22 with no grass sufficient for a few months? 2) will the electric netting work at keeping my blue group in and the free ranging chocolates out?
My questions 1) is 10x22 with no grass sufficient for a few months? 2) will the electric netting work at keeping my blue group in and the free ranging chocolates out?
That is small but may work for a short period. How many poults you wanting to hatch out? Are you going to incubate eggs or try to let hens hatch them?
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I'd like the hens to hatch them. I do have several people looking for eggs. I understand this variety has a tendency toward broodiness.

They'd need to be in for at least 2 months so they'll be away from my chocolate toms for enough time.
Not sure the electric netting would work in that situation; hens can be determined to get out and hide their nests. I do have breeding pens and if I remember correctly are 20'x30' maybe slightly larger all covered in netting to keep hens in and others out. I have 1 Tom and up to 4 hens usually 3 in those. I collect their eggs for incubating until I have what I need then leave eggs and let a hen go broody and remove other birds after that. You need a nesting spot in enclosure that the hens feel hidden in, and Toms can't access, or they will try breeding hen on nest and hurt sitting hen and damage/break eggs. I use 1 large doghouse for nesting box in each pen and they all lay in that, the Toms don't enter them at all. A few pics to give you an idea of what works for me.

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