Breeding back-turkeys

I sold some turkeys for a friend this year, and i found it a LOT HARDER to sell the mixed heritage turkeys than any of the recognized breeds. Midget White and the Bourbon Reds sold the easiest.

I would depend what your are crossing and who your market is. With the crosses that Becky has (one blue slate tom, a black hen, a red hen, three blue slate hens, and one lavendar. ) The results are pretty birds. Black, Blue Slate and Lavendar can be crossed with the offspring being recognised breeds. More black, slate and lavendar. They will have the same color genetics as a pure black, slate and lavendar. My guess the red hen talked about is a BR. Crossed on the slate Tom will produce beautiful babies simular to the Red Slates but they would be black based not bronze based. I could sell them no problem.​
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The market around here is mostly for soccer moms, suburban fanciers. Relatively few plan to eat their birds, so a certain "look" is more important to them than a great table bird.
I would neer have pegged soccer moms for turkey fanciers

Also, I would think that in southern California you would be able to find people interested in heritage turkeys for food. You may need to get out of your neighborhood, but wherever people are buying brown rice and lentils, you can sell a turkey. Put up a few flyers in some healthy food stores and I bet you get some calls.
Norco CA is not your ordinary CA town. It is called Horse Town USA. It has the largest horse population per square mile of any city. It is not to far from OC and looks like this. I know a girl who has sold poultry in her front yard for years. It is her only job. She will tell you her buisness is 100% pure breeds. Many do eat them but I would think more the people that have lived there a while.

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