Breeding Project Spring 2014

Awww. I'm sorry about your rooster.

Thank you! :)
They had the same mom and the same dad. the mom was a charcoal gray cochin/silky, the dad was frizzle naked neck. the brown one might be male.
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Oh, cool!
I like the mixed breeds best. They're like dogs; you know what you're getting (at least to an extent) with pure breeds, but you always have more fun with the muts!!!

My flock is going to end up being a mish-mosh of good laying breeds.
Oh, she's beautiful and she's so friendly such a joy to interact with and she's so much fun to watch!
I'm talking to DH (she's an unintended pet) about getting a Bantam Cochin male in the spring. But IDK if he'll "let" me. lol
I did just find out that if you want frizzles, you should cross a frizzle with a smooth feathered bird; if a frizzle is bred to a frizzle, then the chicks can have very brittle feathers and that would be a bad thing for the birds and not a beautiful bird.
Just a little tid-bit. ;-)

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