Breeding Project Spring 2014

@ luvmypets:

PM me about this so we can get keep in touch and so we can touch base before we start.

Teachick we could do a hatch along in the spring. I love your project cause it's the same as mine.

Sounds good to me. =)
What do I do?
I feel like there's an obvious answer, but....
Lol I've never hatched chicks so this should be fun.

I'm looking forward to it!!!

I'm going to use an incubator to hatch out some chicks early; that way I'll have extra layers next winter (and chickens for dinner all summer).

Then, in the spring, I'm going to let my broodies hatch my chickens and I'm going to hatch out some turkeys. =) We're going to raise our Thanksgiving turkey for next year. Everyone is super excited!!! =)
I am actually going with the same breeding project this spring as well. Didn't know this breed was that popular. lol. I'm going with a dual purpose breeding project where I'll raise the cockerels for meat and the pullets up for eggs or possibly to sell some laying hens down the road. I may try to sell some chicks as well, who knows. Anxiously awaiting this spring to arrive so I can get started hatching!! Good luck Y'all.
I am actually going with the same breeding project this spring as well. Didn't know this breed was that popular. lol. I'm going with a dual purpose breeding project where I'll raise the cockerels for meat and the pullets up for eggs or possibly to sell some laying hens down the road. I may try to sell some chicks as well, who knows. Anxiously awaiting this spring to arrive so I can get started hatching!! Good luck Y'all.

Same here. Winter's not even here and I'm having a hard time waiting for spring!!! lol

All the best to you too! =)
I just started this spring, so I'm no expert, but I enjoy my chickens and I spend more time studying on here to learn all I can about them, so I guess I am too. =)
We'll be fellow-chicken nerds. =)

There ya go. Chicken Nerds Unite on BYC!!

I haven't actually ever hatched any before but I'm building my incubator now and hopefully will have it ready by February or March so I can start.
There ya go. Chicken Nerds Unite on BYC!!

I haven't actually ever hatched any before but I'm building my incubator now and hopefully will have it ready by February or March so I can start.

Yeah! Chicken Nerds United!!! lol

Oh, do please keep us posted about your incubator progress!!!

I've never hatched anything either. I'm planning on starting Feb/Mar also. =)
Well I'm building it out of an old lab oven. Just gotta get my thermostat, fan and thermometer/hygrometers in it and it should be good to go.

Would love a GQF Sportsman 1502 but can't afford one.. Go figure.

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