Breeding Project Spring 2014

my goal is blue chickens that lay olive eggs. I have blue and splash maran hens and am keeping a blue americauna Roo that looks like a BLRW, and a blue andelusian Roo. I also have a Coco maran/silky/Easter egger rooster, and a blue cochin/frizzle mix roo I probably won't breed the last too roosters. what do you all think?
my goal is blue chickens that lay olive eggs. I have blue and splash maran hens and am keeping a blue americauna Roo that looks like a BLRW, and a blue andelusian Roo. I also have a Coco maran/silky/Easter egger rooster, and a blue cochin/frizzle mix roo I probably won't breed the last too roosters. what do you all think?

I like it!
I want three. lol
my goal is blue chickens that lay olive eggs. I have blue and splash maran hens and am keeping a blue americauna Roo that looks like a BLRW, and a blue andelusian Roo. I also have a Coco maran/silky/Easter egger rooster, and a blue cochin/frizzle mix roo I probably won't breed the last too roosters. what do you all think?

That sounds awesome. I had a blue Cochin with a red cape there for a while. I haven't ever before or since seen one like her. Funniest thing about her was she was my biggest hen but laid the smallest egg. lol
In spring 2014 I am hoping to breed Barred Plymouth Rocks and Salmon Faverolles, as well as getting trios and pairs of new breeds of birds from the local breeders around here. I certainly have the room for more birds. We calculated it once and I think I have room for sixty more birds. I probably won't get that many though because I only have so much room in my little Brinsea incubator and I don't have money for twenty trios of Langshans. haha. For the new breeds I'm thinking I'll get some Chanteclers, Langshans (maybe), Orpingtons, and Wyandottes, although I have a list as far as the eye can see, that includes Turkeys, Quail, Pheasants, all types of poultry. hehe.


Just wondering, is anyone here breeding Silver Penciled Plymouth Rocks or Partridge Plymouth Rocks?
In spring 2014 I am hoping to breed Barred Plymouth Rocks and Salmon Faverolles, as well as getting trios and pairs of new breeds of birds from the local breeders around here. I certainly have the room for more birds. We calculated it once and I think I have room for sixty more birds. I probably won't get that many though because I only have so much room in my little Brinsea incubator and I don't have money for twenty trios of Langshans. haha. For the new breeds I'm thinking I'll get some Chanteclers, Langshans (maybe), Orpingtons, and Wyandottes, although I have a list as far as the eye can see, that includes Turkeys, Quail, Pheasants, all types of poultry. hehe.


Just wondering, is anyone here breeding Silver Penciled Plymouth Rocks or Partridge Plymouth Rocks?

I'm getting a Partridge Plymouth Rock roo, but I don't have a hen of that breed. I'm working on my laying flock and have the same bottom line as you. =)

my roos Larry blue andelusian and darcy americana...
charcol cochin (daphne) and sally splash...

Diana Splash maran

and Crystal blue persuasion, are the gray hens I will use.
we just did a test hatch with some english orpington eggs
all clear
i guess i'll have to trim some butts so the roo can "hit the mark"

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