Breeding Project Spring 2014

sorry sounded like a good one.
yeah i normaly dont get this attached to chickens...But i cried my heart out i miss him.
I miss you Goldie.
we had a rough week, lost an ewe and her newborn lamb. Three days due to hatch second broody got up, and the eggs got collected. Its been hard but were getting through it, our other ewe is pregnant. Little Mammy might get an ultrasound soon
dying to know whats in her. Hoping for twins.
we had a rough week, lost an ewe and her newborn lamb. Three days due to hatch second broody got up, and the eggs got collected. Its been hard but were getting through it, our other ewe is pregnant. Little Mammy might get an ultrasound soon
dying to know whats in her. Hoping for twins.

Oh, Hon!
I'm so sorry!!!
I know what you mean about
to know what's in there (I was like that with all five of my pregnancies).
Hope things look up for you!!!
My breeding project is underway!
I have made adjustments, so here's what it looks like for now:

I'm setting a dozen eggs in a small incubator, that a friend gave me, every first of the month. I started it up yesterday and I've got it up to temp, but it's taking a little doing to keep it very consistent; thankfully, the top is clear, so I can monitor the temp much better and the light is on a dimmer (brilliant lady, this friend of mine), so I can control the temp better too. =D She's amazing!!!

That's the plan; here's what I have going on currently:
I have 14 gold Comet x GLW/white Leghorn eggs in my large incubator (it uses my heat lamp, which I'll be using for the chicks when they hatch, so no more incubating in there). All of those birds will be used for meat (b/c I don't like the temperament of my Comets, they killed my new SLW rooster, so they're all going away).
I also have 4 white Leghorn x GLW/white Leghorn eggs set with them. Those will go into my laying flock or my bachelor pen (bachelor pen will be meat birds).
We found Goldie dead with his neck all bent up. He was the best happy accident. I am so upset i just....poor sunny can imagine what shes feeling. Now i need a new Buff Orpington Roo

here is my sweetie out for a walk with one of our monster buff orpingtons

i have 5 more just like him in the coop

what state are you in?

they have english blood in them & meet the SOP for the breed

they came from Renie's peeps over on the nh/vt state line


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