Breeding purebred chickens


11 Years
Nov 8, 2008
Someone told me that once a purebred hen has mated with a rooster of another breed, she will never have a pure bred chick even when bred with a same breed rooster. Is this true?
No that's false. It's a common myth when breeding purebred animals though. I've heard the same when people refer to breeding purebred dogs. You need to keep the hen away from the rooster for about three weeks to make sure that the eggs are pure but after that you are good to go. I have the chicks to prove that this can be done.
No that is not true but for a certain short time afterwards (breeders step in here) she can continue to lay eggs fertilized by him. So you need to give it a few weeks before you can safely figure the rooster she is now with is the father.
Females have pouches located inside the reproductive canal that hold and store sperm. Sperm from different roosters can be stored at the same time in the pouches. The sperm can live inside the pouches for up to three weeks. Most sperm will last only two weeks but some can live a little longer. When the female ovulates the pouches release some sperm that then swim up to the egg and the egg becomes fertilized.

The best way to know a hen is laying eggs from the rooster you really want her bred to is:

Remove the roos and set the eggs until they do not develop anymore.

Then you know she is clear and ready to go in with the rooster of your choice.

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