Broad Breasted White Turkey.....Is It True??

Because I thought it would be cruel to not say this, my white broad breasted female is a year and a half old and is perfectly healthy. She has no issues and never has, lays eggs often and is healthy as can be.

there is nothing cruel about keeping that turkey..
I once kept a few Cornish/X hens. they acted normal and laid eggs for us for a long time..
I suspect that the extra energy goes into the egg laying instead of putting on pounds..
when we raise cornish/X for meat, we do not pen them up. they go free ranging right along with all the rest of whatever birds we have. never have any drop over from heart failure, and out of hundreds of them, very rarely have any with bowed legs.. the exercise keeps them healthy..
Thanks. That breaks my heart.
If you keep your broad breasted white in a contained area and feed it high fat diet then yes they will get to big to walk but we let out broad breasted whites free range and they do get big but also get enough excersize that they can still walk and even run a little bit, 😂😂 they make perfect pets and live decently long lives mine is 3 years old and is still going strong and happy, she doesn’t lay eggs anymore but when she did they were huge and taisty, she lives to protect our flock of chickens like the mother hen
I rear bbw on a relatively large scale for Xmas along with bourbon reds.
I have been able to keep some alive for 3 years but hens only and plenty of room to roam around.
Sadly most get too big then they go off their legs or suffer breathing and other difficulties due to the weight gain.
I’ve had a occasional one I’ve become attached too when they have had to be kept separate due to injury and used them females for the eggs.
Sprout lived to 3 years old and Spud was 2. We hatch in June/July for Xmas and some are 26/28lbs!
View attachment 1079262 I purchased 11 broad breasted white turkeys from my local feed store last month. My children, my husband, and myself absolutely adore these turkeys! I have recently been told that this breed of turkey is only bred as a meat bird, that must be slaughtered. Apparently, they get so big that they can't walk, and start having serious health problems, and because of these issues it's inhumane to keep them alive. Is this an exaggeration, or is this true?
From researching and talking to others on this, as long as you don't overfeed and they free range to get exercise they should be able to live several years. I have a hen, 10 weeks and she thinks she's a chicken. She was raised with 11 chicks and loves them.. They all free range together. Helps my younger chicks find bugs and if she doesn't see one hen she calls for it. Best of luck!
From researching and talking to others on this, as long as you don't overfeed and they free range to get exercise they should be able to live several years. I have a hen, 10 weeks and she thinks she's a chicken. She was raised with 11 chicks and loves them.. They all free range together. Helps my younger chicks find bugs and if she doesn't see one hen she calls for it. Best of luck!
I would never trust a broad breasted turkey around chicks. The very least is that chicks will get stepped on. Stepped on chicks = flat chicks.
Thanks. That breaks my heart.
Hey, how long did you be able to keep them? I did the same thing this summer, and then found out afterwards. I’m super upset about it, as the female has bonded with me greatly. I refuse to eat my animals. (And I don’t like turkey anyhow) Im trying to keep their weight down and when it’s not artic temps out there, I let them free range for exercise.
Hey, how long did you be able to keep them? I did the same thing this summer, and then found out afterwards. I’m super upset about it, as the female has bonded with me greatly. I refuse to eat my animals. (And I don’t like turkey anyhow) Im trying to keep their weight down and when it’s not artic temps out there, I let them free range for exercise.
I’m not the op but I have three that I got for thanksgiving and we ended up loving them. The two toms are big boys. However they are nearing a year and have no issues with that being said they get a ton of excercise and love running around the property they are also good guards and will attack any dog they don’t know they also taught a wayward red tail the error of its ways a little while back. I estimate they will be fine until the major heat starts. The hen will be fine for a while she lays eggs like crazy and tries her best to fly obviously she can’t but she clears the ground occasionally.

Honestly having the turkeys makes me not want to eat commercial turkey ever again I see how loving and full of life these guys are. I am this way with pigs as well I’ll eat pork but I get it from people I know I’ll probably abstain from turkey or grow my own.


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I’m not the op but I have three that I got for thanksgiving and we ended up loving them. The two toms are big boys. However they are nearing a year and have no issues with that being said they get a ton of excercise and love running around the property they are also good guards and will attack any dog they don’t know they also taught a wayward red tail the error of its ways a little while back. I estimate they will be fine until the major heat starts. The hen will be fine for a while she lays eggs like crazy and tries her best to fly obviously she can’t but she clears the ground occasionally.

Honestly having the turkeys makes me not want to eat commercial turkey ever again I see how loving and full of life these guys are. I am this way with pigs as well I’ll eat pork but I get it from people I know I’ll probably abstain from turkey or grow my own.
Wow your turkeys are awesome. Yes I love mine too! They are so lovable and personable. My Tom (Tom) follows me around, but if a guy is around forget it! He loves the bros. Follows my hubby to the shop and walks around pecking at the ground and making noise. Probably grumbling about crazy females in Turkey talk. He doesn’t turn blue like yours tho. Idk he’s only about 5.5 or 6 months old. My hen (Tina Turkner) is laying eggs now and she loves me. She is everywhere I go. I am hoping to keep them around and healthy for a long time.
Wow your turkeys are awesome. Yes I love mine too! They are so lovable and personable. My Tom (Tom) follows me around, but if a guy is around forget it! He loves the bros. Follows my hubby to the shop and walks around pecking at the ground and making noise. Probably grumbling about crazy females in Turkey talk. He doesn’t turn blue like yours tho. Idk he’s only about 5.5 or 6 months old. My hen (Tina Turkner) is laying eggs now and she loves me. She is everywhere I go. I am hoping to keep them around and healthy for a long time.
My turkeys love my toddler lol they absolutely adore him. I would say your boys heads will change color in the next month or two they will go between red and blue depending on their mood. Turkey eggs are a neat treat and are better than chicken eggs imo although my hen is a smidge broody now.

Tina turkner is hilarious I like that.

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