broody hen.....I Think?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 6, 2011
very bizarre behavior....BO is walking around fluffed out kinda "turkey" like. Had to pry her off the nesting box..... making "nests" in the flower beds......Weird business!!!!
Sounds like she is giving it some serious consideration. I have some that act like that sometimes but they are just faking it. My test is if they spend two consecutive nights on the nest instead of in their favorite roosting area, they get eggs to hatch. Until they spend two consecutive nights, I figure they are probably just teasing me.
I dont have a rooster......hence no baby chicks.....just threw her off the nesting box, DURING "FREE RANGE FUN TIME"!!!!!!!.... unheard of my friends.....unheard of.
not an three babies in the brooder right now......small time city operation going on here......if she keeps it up we'll be having chicken soup soon.....
here is what I did. I put my little bantam cochin who went broody in a wire cage up on a small mesh table from my porch. I put her in a window of my coop and put a fan in the window and blew in over her belly for 3 days. It cured her. Good luck,
You can always unbroody her by putting her in a cage that she can't set in. I use a wire dog cage set up off the floor with a perch in it. I picked up some on CL for just that purpose. A few days of that and she'll be back to normal. I had one hen go a week, but usually just a few days works then they can go back to the flock. I do have a horrible cold right now so soup sounds pretty good.
Maybe I should go warn the flock.

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