Buff Laced Polish!!!


7 Years
Nov 20, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
I just recently got 4 Buff Laced Polish chicks and I've been able to find a Polish thread but I can't seem to find one devoted solely to the Buff Laced Polish so I'm starting this thread for all the Buff Laced owners out there! Mine are only a little over a month old now but they're already some of my favorites! They're such sweet little things and I love the look of them! I'd love to learn more about these beautiful birds so please feel free to post pics or thoughts or stories about your Buff Laced Polish! I've got lots of questions about them but I've been having difficulty finding info on just the Buff Laced. Most of what I find is info on the Polish breed in general, not any specifics. I'm wondering when the lacing will start to show?? And how to tell the roo from the pullets? Out of the 4, one of them has darker coloring-more of the buff color whereas the other 3 are cream colored- in the pics I've seen the roos seem to be darker than the females. Is this true, and if it is, is the darker coloring in the chick a good indicator that it's going to be the roo? I've been trying to look at the comb color but all 4 of them seem to have a pinkish colored comb and I can't tell a difference. And at what age do they generally start laying and how long do they keep at it? And (sorry, last question for now, I promise!) How many eggs a week is average? I've read everything from 2 a week to 6 a week! I can't seem to find a more definitive answer to that and I figure poeple who have them know better than anyone!
Here's some pics of mine (some decided to take a dust bath in mud where I watered some plants in their run, so excuse their dirt!

I'm not sure how these pics will be arranged when this posts, but in the 3rd pic(shows all 4 of them pecking at a piece of baked potato) the top left chick is the darker one that I'm wondering about being a roo. It doesn't show well in the pic but he's actually noticeably more of a buff color in natural light. That buff colored chick at the very top is a buff orp, just to let you know so you don't think it's the darker one I was talking about! Thanks for any help and advice in advance and I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing about everyone's birds!

I'll join you in this newer thread:) Googly eyed BLF's in the catalogs for a couple of years until I finally got some- they are 1 week old. I can't wait until they have their beautiful feathers in and am also curious as to when they will show lacing. When I ordered mine I said "buff laced polish" and the receptionist repeated back 'buffto polish'. So not sure if I got ones with lacing or not.
Best of luck with your new babies! Unfortunately I ended up losing all of my BLP, some to a possum(my arch enemies, ive lost so many birds to them, I just hate them) and then the rest to gapeworm. Im determined to get more tho. They were some of the friendliest little birds Ive ever had. They were just as sweet and docile as my brahmas, and they were really turning out pretty! Im going to either find a breeder or find some eggs to hatch myself for the next ones. I got the others from a hatchery and even tho they were sweet and very pretty, their color wasnt quite what it was supposed to be. That seems to be a common issue with hatcheries tho. The coloring wasnt quite right on some other breeds I got from them. 2 made it to 8 weeks old and had nice crests and the blue legs, but really no white lacing at all. Not even a hint of it. They were pretty much buff colored with some lighter buff interspersed. Maybe the lacing comes with age tho.
Id love to hear how yours come along! I really miss mine!.

They are a week and a half old now and quickly growing beautiful feathers. Noticed peacock tail feathers coming in today and they are timid yet friendly.
Too cute! I love the ball of fluff on their heads! Mine already had miniature versions of their adult crests by about 6 weeks, they almost looked like they should topple over any minute from those big fluffs of feathers! Lol.
What are the other chicks you got? I saw that pretty dark one and the little grey one. I just love little chicks and watching them grow into their colors and personalities!Having chickens has been so much fun!
I took the plunge and ordered from Welp hatchery. Crevecoeurs, mottled houdans, buff orpingtons, white leghorns, silver sebrights, mille fleur bearded duccles, russian orloffs and the buff laced polish. The silvers and milles weren't in the pics because they're in a different brooder. The plan is to breed the ones with the best traits true to their breed for better quality birds. I already have other russians but needed diversity and not many people in my area have anything other than production breeds. I am supposed to be proving to dh that chickens can pay for themselves and make a profit so it's gonna be hard to see the chicks that I'll be hatching next year be sold!:) What chickens do you currently have? Did you try lining big rocks or barbed wire around bottom of your coop for the predators?
Ooh! You picked out some neat breeds! Ive had buff orpingtons on and off over the years and love them. Theyre lovely, friendly, and have always been great layers. I had some mottled houdans early this spring but they didnt make it but a couple days, they werent very hardy at all. I lost all of them and all of my salmon faverolles, both breeds I was super excited to finally get. One of each made it a few weeks but we had a bad storm and a flood early summer and I lost them and some others. Sigh, its been a bad year for me with chickens! Thetes a lady that offeted me some adult houdans that im just itching to get but cant manage the drive yet. I know exactly what you mean about the dh. Hes cut me off for the time being, said ive hit my limit! so im reduced to sneakiness for more. I actually need a roo(ive got a banty OEG roo but I need a regular size roo for breeding with my standard size hens) and he says NO MORE. Grouch. Ive solved the predator problem thank goodness, I tore down and rebuilt my coop and now im proud to say it can stand up to anything from snake or rat to coyote or bobcat! Ive been talking back and forth with another lady on here and shes been a wonderful source of advice and support! I love that theres others out there that are just as chicken crazy as I am! Lol. Shes givin me some great ideas!
How are you going to incubate your new chicks? Do you have an incubator or are you hoping for some broodies to handle it? Your definitely going to have some beautiful chicks! Let me know if you ever decide to try shipping eggs or chicks! Are these your first chickens or just a new batch of babies?
Ok, right now im down to 19 chickens(I had about 40 back in july but of course with all thats happened ive lost half my flock :( ) anyway, ive got 3 black stars-the Biddys,theyre almost 6 years old and they dont lay like they used to, but still do fairly well- then ive got a couple EEs-same age as the Biddys but still laying like they always have, theyre great birds- ive got 3 banty chickens, theyre old english game ive learned after lots of questions and research, theyre beautiful but their colors are all mixed up. Ok, then ive got my "teenagers" these were born back in april(and should start laying ANY TIME NOW, im excited for a first egg from them! :) )theres a couple anconas-my only white egg layers now, some speckled sussex-very pretty birds! only one of them has the right coloring, the others have way too much white but I dont care I love their looks-some rhode island reds-my very first chicks ever were rir's and ive got a soft spot for them because of it-and last but not least ate my light brahmas, I call them my snow birds. They remind me of big snowy white owls. They atent up to standards either when it comes to color, their black is too scattered but they are my favorites. They are just so sweet and gentle. They sit in my lap and talk at me, I just love em. I cant post pics with my phone and my computer is down or id show you some pics. Ill stop now tho, ive got a bad habit of rambling on and on!
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I have an incubator and started with rir's too! That's actually how they paid for their own feed after they started to lay- all chicks hatched were sold pretty fast. With the reputation the silver sebrights had I expected to lose the most of those but all have thrived. The duccles and crevecoeurs were actually the ones I had to worry about but all are almost fully featherd now and can go afternoon hours without the light. Of course the bantams, mottled houdans and crevs stay away from me as much as they can but are calm once held. What color eggs do you get from your ee's? I've thought about getting some araucanas but hear they can be mean. I don't do games because fighting is prevailant in my area and I just won't raise something to be sold for death. Does your dh help you with your chickens? If he doesn't then he may not notice a few newcomers:)

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