Buff Laced Polish!!!

One of the cockerels surprised me with a 'thank you' this morning! Yesterday he was choking on feed and I had massaged his throat until it went down. (He kept coming over to me which he usually doesn't do.) Today as I stooped down to pet a crevecoeur the buff polish boy jumped up on the back of my shoulders:) After swiping his beak over my jacket a few times he sat down on my back like that was where he was supposed to be. I loved it but had other chores to do. My daughter said it was so graceful how he hopped off as if saying thanks. I hope everyone is gearing up for better weather and chickies!
Thats really nice. Sounds like you've got a new friend. I have a buff laced polish coming in April. Can't wait..I'll post pic when I get her.
With age the timidness disappears...the pullet is now friendly enough to sit quietly on the roost above me and not move away when I reach to pet her. For most of the last week she has waited until I go to scoop under the roost to fly up and watch me. My mottled houdan girl did the same thing so I think it is a calmness that comes before they begin to lay. The BLP pullet has a beautiful creaminess to her color- a great contrast to the darker golds in the cockerels. Wishing you many majestic pics when you get yours!
I have 10 buff laced at the moment and two blue crested white polish chicks right now they are about 2 and a half weeks. They are super cute. Mine are very skittish maybe it is because I have so many right now and haven't handled them all. Does anyone know when their feathers start getting laced?
I worried when I didn't see lacing as their feathers grew in. As they got older, probably around 3 months old, the lacing started to show really light on the pullet. The cockerels are a darker buff so the lacing shows better. I think they are just beautiful- especially the pullets! Where did you get yours from?
Ok thanks, I will know what to expect now! Well my friend got them for me since I had to sell my other chickens. I believe she got them at Cenex.
The lacing is starting to show, I believe on a Roo. I am starting to tell pulleys from cockerels now.

I'm thinking about 5 pullets and 5 cockerels. So about half, I can't keep Roos so going to sell them off. The lacing started showing up younger than I expected they are about 6-7 weeks. Ill post some more updated photos later, some definitely look like cockerels (red comb, big legs, darker buff) and some pullets (lighter buff, flesh colored combs, smaller in size).
I'm thinking about 5 pullets and 5 cockerels. So about half, I can't keep Roos so going to sell them off. The lacing started showing up younger than I expected they are about 6-7 weeks. Ill post some more updated photos later, some definitely look like cockerels (red comb, big legs, darker buff) and some pullets (lighter buff, flesh colored combs, smaller in size).

I only have one BLP and so cannot compare/contrast it to another for help in sexing. It is about 2.5 months old and I'm thinking it's a cockerel...when did your Roos start crowing and/or Hens start laying so that you knew their sex for sure?

Here's a pic of Lightning in what I think is a rooster stance:

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