*Buff Orpington Thread!*

Hi everyone. I have a question.

I have two 7 month old BO cockerels that have me puzzled. Both of them have small combs and wattles for cockerels' but both are bright red in color. Cockerel #1 kept me guessing for ages whether it was a pullet or a cockerel. It wasn't until he sprouted saddle feathers that I knew for sure. He has showed no interest in the hens and his feathers still have an almost hen softness about them.

Cockerel #2 is just plain strange looking. He has long legs for a Buff O and is almost rump-less in his appearance. Saddle feathers are sparse. I have seen this boy take an interest in the hens but the senior roosters keep him at bay so he usually hangs out with cockerel #1. He is tho, very protective of the hens and he has rushed up to give me a peck if he thinks I am hurting one of the girls. Still, his upright stance and long legs give him an almost comical appearance.

I am not planning to get rid of either of these boys but I am wondering if I am dealing with some sort of genetic issue here. There were two other cockerels from this hatching that were pure Buff O's.

One had to be put down three weeks ago due to severe seizures. The other is a beautiful bird who looks and acts normal for his given age.

I will try to get pictures of them ASAP. DH and I are recovering from some strange summer virus that has knocked us for a loop.
Hi everyone. I have a question.

I have two 7 month old BO cockerels that have me puzzled. Both of them have small combs and wattles for cockerels' but both are bright red in color. Cockerel #1 kept me guessing for ages whether it was a pullet or a cockerel. It wasn't until he sprouted saddle feathers that I knew for sure. He has showed no interest in the hens and his feathers still have an almost hen softness about them.

Cockerel #2 is just plain strange looking. He has long legs for a Buff O and is almost rump-less in his appearance. Saddle feathers are sparse. I have seen this boy take an interest in the hens but the senior roosters keep him at bay so he usually hangs out with cockerel #1. He is tho, very protective of the hens and he has rushed up to give me a peck if he thinks I am hurting one of the girls. Still, his upright stance and long legs give him an almost comical appearance.

I am not planning to get rid of either of these boys but I am wondering if I am dealing with some sort of genetic issue here. There were two other cockerels from this hatching that were pure Buff O's.

One had to be put down three weeks ago due to severe seizures. The other is a beautiful bird who looks and acts normal for his given age.

I will try to get pictures of them ASAP. DH and I are recovering from some strange summer virus that has knocked us for a loop.

Photos would be welcome.
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Hi everyone. I have a question. 

I have two 7 month old BO cockerels that have me puzzled. Both of them have small combs and wattles for cockerels' but both are bright red in color. Cockerel #1 kept me guessing for ages whether it was a pullet or a cockerel. It wasn't until he sprouted saddle feathers that I knew for sure. He has showed no interest in the hens and his feathers still have an almost hen softness about them.

Cockerel #2 is just plain strange looking. He has long legs for a Buff O and is almost rump-less in his appearance. Saddle feathers are sparse. I have seen this boy take an interest in the hens but the senior roosters keep him at bay so he usually hangs out with cockerel #1. He is tho, very protective of the hens and he has rushed up to give me a peck if he thinks I am hurting one of the girls. Still, his upright stance and long legs give him an almost comical appearance.

I am not planning to get rid of either of these boys but I am wondering if I am dealing with some sort of genetic issue here. There were two other cockerels from this hatching that were pure Buff O's.

One had to be put down three weeks ago due to severe seizures. The other is a beautiful bird who looks and acts normal for his given age.

I will try to get pictures of them ASAP. DH and I are recovering from some strange summer virus that has knocked us for a loop.
Buff Orpingtons are very stow to mature, especially the roosters, mine aren't full size until about 2 years of age. I like them because they are a bit slower than other breeds.
Yep, know that. These two guys just look different from my mature BO rooster that died this spring and the 7 mo old cockerel that hatched with them and looks just like the rooster that sired all of them.

Here is the sire at 8 months:

Here is photo # 1 of my long legged cockerel with a very small rump at 7 months:

You can see the long legs and upright stance which is very much a cockerel. Hi legs just appear too long for his body.

Here you can see the small rump on the long legged boy in the background/right and the cockerel in the foreground with the odd feather texture/color.

And then just for fun. My Buff O Lavender O cross pullet Dusti at 13 weeks.

She is my spoiled baby who insists on being carried around with me when I am in the coop and holds 'conversations' with you. She is happily sitting in my hand in this picture.
They are some gangly looking boys, I have always found them slow to feather and grow, I think in another 6 months they should be real lookers, and they will be big ones too. That's an interesting color out of that cross with your pullet, she should be a really nice hen, I'm assuming the barring comes from the lavender.
They are some gangly looking boys, I have always found them slow to feather and grow, I think in another 6 months they should be real lookers, and they will be big ones too. That's an interesting color out of that cross with your pullet, she should be a really nice hen, I'm assuming the barring comes from the lavender.

They are leggy

I think it will just take time for them to fill out. I swear mine is still growing. He seems to get bigger every month, if he keeps going like @oldhenlikesdogs says (won't fill completely out until 2yrs) mine will be a miniature horse

Here is mine when he was around 5months old. Are you feed an all flock/flock raiser formula (higher protein) to your fellas? Protein may make a difference.
The barring and the black feathers comes from the Lavender rooster. You can see him in the background of the third picture. He's starting to molt and has only one sickle feather left in his tail at the moment.

There were three other cockerels in the same hatch that are Buff O Welsummer cross. One that is the smallest of the 3 is on the left in the third picture also. The other two crosses are HUGE, the biggest at least the size of my Lavender Orp.

They are all eating the same game bird finisher feed and I have multiple feeders out so the junior roosters are not bullied away from the food/feeder.

Wyrop Rock that is one good looking rooster.
I agree he's one good looking fella, I like them because they are so big, but mostly gentle. You are making me want another one. Perhaps next year.
The barring and the black feathers comes from the Lavender rooster. You can see him in the background of the third picture. He's starting to molt and has only one sickle feather left in his tail at the moment.

There were three other cockerels in the same hatch that are Buff O Welsummer cross. One that is the smallest of the 3 is on the left in the third picture also. The other two crosses are HUGE, the biggest at least the size of my Lavender Orp.

They are all eating the same game bird finisher feed and I have multiple feeders out so the junior roosters are not bullied away from the food/feeder.

Wyrop Rock that is one good looking rooster.
Thanks Microchick
he's a hatchery bird and even larger now, he's around 14months now. He's starting to molt - lost those tail feathers, so he's a bit rumpless at the moment- will have to get photos when he feathers back in.

Yours have nice long legs, when they mature and fill out they are going to be some stout handsome boys for sure.

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