*Buff Orpington Thread!*

A couple of grow outs. I really need to get newer pics these are from about 2 weeks ago!


I found a stash of 4 eggs this morning, so apparently all 3 of my BO hens are now laying! The first one started at 20 weeks, the second one started a week or two later, and my guess the third one has been laying for about a week.
That was a nice surprise!
My 21 week old buff just laid her first tiny egg today :)

Loving all the egg laying stories and seeing the great mama hens out there! My buffs are currently mad at me for restricting their free ranging. They decided roosting in the cedar trees was better than the coop. Time to break that habit!
Very pretty!

Mine are going into full molt right now. Poor babies are finding it hard to be gorgeous when they only have one tail feather sticking out of their backsides and a few feathers for wings. The funniest one has a full set of neck feathers and very little else from the neck down. She looks like a reverse Turken.
Loving all the egg laying stories and seeing the great mama hens out there! My buffs are currently mad at me for restricting their free ranging. They decided roosting in the cedar trees was better than the coop. Time to break that habit!

HA! I know your pain! I am going through the same thing right now. I am raising a new group from chicks (all 9 are buff orpingtons) and they were quite easy to allow to free range for a half-day when they were little, but now (at 8 weeks) they do not seem to want to come back to the pen. Mine aren't going to the cedar trees per se, but they do wonder further and further from where I would like them to stay and they have this problem of not wanting to come back in.
So like you I have to stop the "free ranging" until I can fence in an area for them to run without going to far and into the neighbor's property.
Good luck to you.

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