*Buff Orpington Thread!*


Hope this picture works. The comb is so red, is this a sign of a roo?
If 4 sq feet of walking space is not enough for them, how much do they need? Are winters can be really cold or long periods of time and don't want them crowded and pecky. Thanks.
I have coops for sleeping and covered runs in addition to paddocks.I figure on 20 Sq ft in a run, and 10 Sq Ft in a coop, and I have mild winters. The birds are out most days in their big grass paddocks. My Orps are very large, and need this much room.
I have coops for sleeping and covered runs in addition to paddocks.I figure on 20 Sq ft in a run, and 10 Sq Ft in a coop, and I have mild winters. The birds are out most days in their big grass paddocks. My Orps are very large, and need this much room.
Thanks for the information. My husband might not be happy to hear they need this much room! Whay are Paddocks?
I have coops for sleeping and covered runs in addition to paddocks.I figure on 20 Sq ft in a run, and 10 Sq Ft in a coop, and I have mild winters. The birds are out most days in their big grass paddocks. My Orps are very large, and need this much room.

that is one beautiful set up vickie..
mine have been out grazing all day..they eat like cattle..between the buffs and the babies they have mown the lawn..
..i just keep moving the fence line.they get so much out of that.
Thanks for the information. My husband might not be happy to hear they need this much room! Whay are Paddocks?
I have large fenced, with Monofilament line above for hawks, areas of good grass for the Orps to munch . Those are my paddocks. You can see some of them on my page as well as my hawk protector system.
hi, i know this is an old post, but i read it and wondered if this was a common problem. i am getting my first chicks in a couple of weeks and aubuchon hardware is selling buff orpingtons. how can i tell if they are actually buff orps or buff rocks? i want orps. thanks so much
hi, i know this is an old post, but i read it and wondered if this was a common problem. i am getting my first chicks in a couple of weeks and aubuchon hardware is selling buff orpingtons. how can i tell if they are actually buff orps or buff rocks? i want orps. thanks so much
Rocks will have yellow legs .

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