*Buff Orpington Thread!*

a bunch of my pullets have white feathers too. I got my chicks from the randall burkey company
Sometimes baby Buffs will have a few lighter feathers, but they should molt out to pure gold if they are pure bred Buff Orpingtons. A lot of hatchery birds are NOT pure bred. See my page for lots of photos of correct color in Buff Orps.
Thanks for the reply. I have been gone and not near the computer. I did take all the eggs and I just didnt give her time to adapt. She needed that day or so to know that she had babies. She has once again turned into mom of the year. She takes them outside and has a corner where they all sleep together with them under her wings. All is good with their world.
These babies all have yellow legs which are a disqualification in Orpingtons. Are you sure that you didn't buy what the hatcheries call "Golden Buffs" , instead of Buff Orpingtons ? Buff Orpingtons should have solid gold feathers too, with no white, red, or black feathers .

I think this cockerel will crow in a few weeks !

I have some BO & some Gold Buffs

I have roo too but I don't know when he will crow he is 4 weeks old. At what time do you turn off the heating lamp?

I took them off the lamp about 4-5 weeks when they started feathering out good. My brooder was in my home. I put them outside about 6 weeks old.
Looks like I can get some 8wk old chicks!!! What do I need to have ready??? Its only 60's during day here...keep them indoors??? What temps do they need at this age?
Looks like I can get some 8wk old chicks!!! What do I need to have ready??? Its only 60's during day here...keep them indoors??? What temps do they need at this age?
feeder, waterer, coop, feed
four square feet of coop space per bird and 10+ sq feet of space in the run unless you free range
provide a heat lamp that they can to if they want the warmth until the lows are below freezing for at least another month, next winter you will need to ask someone else, I have never been in Maine in the winter
feeder, waterer, coop, feed
four square feet of coop space per bird and 10+ sq feet of space in the run unless you free range
provide a heat lamp that they can to if they want the warmth until the lows are below freezing for at least another month, next winter you will need to ask someone else, I have never been in Maine in the winter
8 week old Orps don't need heat past 6 weeks of age, unless it is very cold. They do need MORE than 4 sq feet of coop space to roost though. Crowding is a bad thing.
8 week old Orps don't need heat past 6 weeks of age, unless it is very cold. They do need MORE than 4 sq feet of coop space to roost though. Crowding is a bad thing.
If 4 sq feet of walking space is not enough for them, how much do they need? Are winters can be really cold or long periods of time and don't want them crowded and pecky. Thanks.

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