*Buff Orpington Thread!*

So much drama Johnn! You could write a soap opera at this rate!
I know! Never stops!

Time to ship him off to military school.
Tell him you are getting his bags packed.
He does need a warning! Just hope he doesn't turn on me like his dad did! His dad will be on his way soon!

No kidding! I had a 21 week old cockerel who was fighting with a 6 year old hen just today. She refused to submit and his hormones are in full swing. Crazy young studs!
I've got a five year old hen I was given and she likes a good fight with cockerels. I only got my JG cockerel so she had someone to go into the flock with because I was scared incase she got beat up, but she took over the flock and then turned around and had a fight with the JG cockerel! When my JG is gone, I'm dreading introducing my new RIR that I have found in the woods because she wont go down without a fight!

John, just casually mention Kentucky Fried to him and I'll bet he gets his act together.
Hmmm will give it a try ;)
John, I have really been enjoying your flock stories and fantastic pictures!! Everyday it's a new adventure at your place. Now that mine are getting older and I can sit out and watch them, it's amazing to watch the social interactions. You have a really beautiful and interesting flock :D
What??? I am guessing this was Atlas? Is your hen okay? Or maybe I should be asking if Atlas is okay? LOL!
Yes, it was Atlas, who is a MOOSE now! Panda is a small hen, but though she's feisty and cantankerous, his sheer size and bullheaded determination could injure her. She isn't a young hen anymore, going on 7 years old now. So, I'd like to get this the old hens out of there before winter hits. Rush coop build coming right up! I posted about it here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/...hout-the-heart-of-a-breeder/220#post_14050779
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John, I have really been enjoying your flock stories and fantastic pictures!! Everyday it's a new adventure at your place. Now that mine are getting older and I can sit out and watch them, it's amazing to watch the social interactions. You have a really beautiful and interesting flock
Thank you! :)
Bella's limp is back so will have to keep her on antibiotics for a bit longer. Her baby started on his biological mother today and they were fighting for a while! Got his arse kicked in the end! Have a few pics to post when I put some on of Bella :)
Bella's boy jamp on her again and mated her and I missed it again! She's getting sick of him though! Was up the field without him today!

This was from yesterday:
Bella's boy got into another fight today! This time with Bella's enemy and his biological mother! She's moulting (thats why she doesn't look too healthy) so I'm glad she won because I don't want her getting stressed during it. They were fighting a minute but most of it was a stare off, he backed down and she chased him off in the end. George was trying to get involved but I stopped him as I like to be there when they fight incase anyone gets hurt.





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