BYC Café

Good morning and thanks for the hot coffee! 23F and 60 mph gusts = a bit chilly out there. Sadly, I have to go help with the fish stocking at 9:30 and I doubt it will be much warmer.
Our power came back on around midnight. A lot of trees are down in the area this time; we have one to clean up.
Magpies are still hanging in there doing okay with all of this weather nonsense. The little birds were cold and hungry this morning because I had a feeder full of birds hanging on before I even had it out of my hand and hung up properly, lol! Bears, ya know = don't leave the feeders out overnight!
Anyway, off to lunch with my SIL after the fish stocking so I hope they behave and don't splash water on me, or I don't fall in the lake, or get sucked down into the muck! Don't ask how I know these things...:old
Enjoy the day, Cafe! Be safe!

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