BYC Café

Good morning Cafe'. 45 this morning looking for a high of 80. Think I'm going to mow the front lawn today which should give me a nice workout.

Thanks for the coffee TK!
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We're looking at a 40* warm up's 33 now but supposed to reach 73*. And that's why layering clothes is so important

Hope you all have a good one!
Morning! Beautiful day here as well. Slowly checking things off on the chore list but I seem to be adding more than scratching out. DS$ has his first Freestyle / Grecco competition for the season this weekend. I think he is a little excited to get the show on the road.
My partner in firewood is starting to cut again,
how is this even possible? It seems like I just got the firewood done and outa here. Guess I can use the pocket change for the DS$... There is another OTC camp available beginning of July and his team is having a camp but everything is going to overlap and the $$$$$ are not going to add up anyway, even if I sell a bizillion eggs and a million cords of wood. Maybe I can sell a couple of sheepskin rugs to make up the difference,

Anyway, have a wonderful day and I suppose it is time to git stuff done. Mugs up!
Morning All! DS$ has the day off and so the general plan is to get Woody back out on the trail. He went for his first "ride" yesterday, down the road a couple of "blocks" and then back home. He was wondering why all of the other horses were not coming with; just he and a friend out there on their own. Pretty cute little guy he is. We will have to take a pic today but I was not going to add something into the mix yesterday, just in case.
I like it.

Good morning, Café. Two baseball games today.

Don't forget your butt cushion!

Good Morning, My Dear Diva, Margie, N F C , Sir Sour and Everyone else

Hope that Everybody has a good weekend and gets done what they want done with ease.

Opening weekend at the golf course for us...not everything will be 100% ready but we're already 6 weeks ahead of where we were last season

Morning All! DS$ has the day off and so the general plan is to get Woody back out on the trail. He went for his first "ride" yesterday, down the road a couple of "blocks" and then back home. He was wondering why all of the other horses were not coming with; just he and a friend out there on their own. Pretty cute little guy he is. We will have to take a pic today but I was not going to add something into the mix yesterday, just in case.

Would love to see some pictures Margie!

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