BYC Café

Good morning café. Damp morning here but we needed it. At least it cooled down from highs from in the 100's to in the 70's yesterday. I'll take it. Starter for my mower supposed to be in tomorrow where I can start knocking down some of this jungle. Boy, am I going to enjoy that? We'll see. Thanks for the coffee Sour. Hope everyone has a great Sunday.
Good morning Cafe. I brought some sausage and egg biscuits.
I have been having problems with skeeters, flies and all kinds of pests.
I ordered some Adams fly spray for all my critters.
Sprayed the cows last month.
Still to wet to do anything. I did wade through the mud to feed the rabbits.
Thank goodness the chickens have large auto feeders that last a month.
Morning café!

Sour, thanks for the cuppa. May I pretty please have another?

Skeeters are bad here. At least the golf course has been recently sprayed so that helps knock them back a bit.

Gorgeous morning here weather-wise.

You all have a good Sunday!
Great coffee Sour thanks. I sure needed that. :bow
I went out to check on the garden and found stink bugs eating my tomatoes!
I covered them with some netting. I picked a bunch and brought them in. Some I sliced up for fried green tomatoes the others are sitting on my dining room table to ripen. I also picked several cucumbers.
Tomatoes 6-25-17.jpg
Double tomato.jpg

Double tomato
Tomatoes covered with netting.jpg

Hoping this will help keep the stink bugs off them.

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