BYC Café

Eh... I don't mind the man buns that much... but maybe because my son grew his hair out, and pulls it back, usually in a ponytail. But his hair mats up.. so often it looks like a bun.

Dude in the middle is eldest. Little candle holder to the left is my youngest.

I don't think it looks too bad on him. :confused:

Nope grew up with Dad caring for a old guy he befriended on his mail route let me tell of Charlie.. he and his Wife escaped Germany as the war started she died fairly young of cancer here.. Charlie blamed god dove into the bottle come learn hew had a tattoo parlor needless to say he was tattooed neck down to his toes arms to the wrist ...Everywhere
there was a time we had all gone in to dick's drive in Seattle not far away Dad wanted to check on Charlie ... as Dad knocked no one came to the door he got worried so went to use his key just then the door flew open Charlie naked a j bird a gal behind him the same way me being hustled off the porch to the car :lau

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