BYC Café

Belated good morning and thank you for the coffee, Café. Took Tee Party to the handler's he's going to the National Championships in Pittsburg. Picked up his little half brother plus 2 to raise for my friend. Then to see my financial guy and had breakfast at a new place in town. 2 eggs, bacon, home fries, toast and coffee plus tip = $ 13. For me that's pricey for a mediocre breakfast. At least the bacon was good.

That's exciting about your dog Sour! Field trial championships or do you show in confirmation? And you will have to post pictures of the new pups! Sorry the breakfast wasn't so good.
Belated good morning and thank you for the coffee, Café. Took Tee Party to the handler's he's going to the National Championships in Pittsburg. Picked up his little half brother plus 2 to raise for my friend. Then to see my financial guy and had breakfast at a new place in town. 2 eggs, bacon, home fries, toast and coffee plus tip = $ 13. For me that's pricey for a mediocre breakfast. At least the bacon was good.

Congrats for Tee Party, that should be exciting! Will you go to Pittsburg with him Sour?

That breakfast does sound a bit pricey, probably most that cost was for the restaurant help & overhead. The ingredients wouldn't have been but a small percentage of the cost.

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