BYC Café

No job interview. Just a lead. A lead that apparently might not pan out as I just got a text back from the guy that they won't have positions until later in the year and he's not sure about the PT part. Oh well.

The right thing will show up yet Dobie!

@N F C Are you off work now?

Nope. I was going to be all done by the first part of September (after the restaurant closed and clean up done). But, a club house employee quit so now I have to cover for her until mid-October. :rolleyes:
How are the babies doing?

Great. Mom moved them up to the roosts permanently two nights ago. She is letting the pullets and Captain up now so it's not an issue.

I've been out enjoying some really great new episodes of chicken TV.

Barb could rival Magic Johnson for her jumping ability. There was a young hummingbird both flitting around a shrub she was under and she jumped up over a foot and plucked it down to give to the kids. I watched her snag at least three insects during my TV viewing.

On another episode, I watched Captain practice tidbitting. It didn't sound that great to me but it was effective as 5 pullets dashed out from under the chicken bush to see what he found. Such a ladies man! He's still sweet so I hope he doesn't become a raving lunatic when the hormones go into high gear. He has already started pulling the pig tails of some of the girls and getting them screaming so it's coming soon.
The right thing will show up yet Dobie!

I found a really crappy house up for auction right around the corner! :lol:

I really need to stay away from that train of thought for the time being. Maybe next year. Not now.
And the house is a big 'un. I want a single level ranch to flip next. Such a dreamer!
I found a really crappy house up for auction right around the corner! :lol:

I really need to stay away from that train of thought for the time being. Maybe next year. Not now.
And the house is a big 'un. I want a single level ranch to flip next. Such a dreamer!
You could have picked a cheaper obsession DL.:p
Now this is a butterfly bush! 20190815_090716.jpg
Young Knock has turned into a complete savage. I've got lots of tiny puncture marks on my hand from helping to get her and her two chicks up the ramp and into the coop.
The problem seems to be she wants to go home but home is undergoing some alterations and it's not safe for chicks. I hope to have it finished tomorrow, but talk about a major drama.:th
During the day Knock is quite happy for the chicks to take food out of my hand and run around on my legs. Come roost time she's super defensive.
During the day she's out with the chicks but seems to have very little sense of cover. I think she thinks she can take on anything that comes after the chicks. While I appreciate the heart is there, I just don't think she has enough fight experience.
Dink for example could fight. She could take on two quite happily. She knew how to get the height and how to turn in mid air, much like a rooster. Watching knock attacking me tonight the turn, or foot paddle just isn't there yet. She will let me herd her under cover but it would be much easier if she sought it herself.
It's taken all day to build up to it but it is finally raining and making a proper job of it.:clap
I'm going to go to bed shortly and listen to the rain and chat to Fat Bird who I don't think is actually sitting on the eggs in the nest box, she just didn't want to go to the coop tonight.
She does this sometimes. We've come a long way together and have lots to talk about; old friends, past romances, irritating chicks and those annoying, bouncy, young people.:lol:

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