BYC Café

I use a reusable covered snap trap. I've caught a dozen (?) mice in my mud room so far this season. I put a half peanut into the bait spot, with some peanut butter to "glue" it down. I make sure it's really jammed in there so that they have to work at it. Before I did that, they'd get the peanut without snapping the trap.
I put a half peanut into the bait spot, with some peanut butter to "glue" it down. I make sure it's really jammed in there so that they have to work at it. Before I did that, they'd get the peanut without snapping the trap.
I do the same but with a piece of dry corn jammed in.
No PB at all, but maybe few other pieces of loose scratch grain around.
Made a huge increase in my catch rate....
....also putting the bait end of trap against a wall or flat surface at least 6" high.

Another 1-2 inches of slush on the ground this morning. SMH.
My current project.
Hot coffee is brewing and done actually...
We were only supposed to get 3 inches, there are 13 inches of the stuff out there officially.
We are off to wrestling Regionals today! Gotta go shovel the path and the truck.
Enjoy the day!

3"...13" inches, that's pretty close (not) :rolleyes:

Good luck to your son with the Regionals Margie!

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