BYC Café

You must have been swooning in that afternoon heat!
I ended up taking off my winter coat and rolling up the sleeves of my shirt while running the dogs yesterday because it was so warm. It was 41 here. We're getting cold again but not as cold as originally predicted. Just down to 7 tonight instead of 0.
Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.

Nothing in the traps this morning. Just untouched bait so I unset them and put them back in the crate for resetting tonight. I didn't think I had too many mice coming in. You can see tracks in the snow leading to the crack in the run door. I didn't see anything fresh this morning but everything is frozen again.

Sorry, @aart, I'm not exactly sure which end is supposed to go next to the wall. I am assuming you mean the "back" end, not the opening where the mouse goes in? How does that keep the mouse from backing out of the trap? Color me dumb, I'm not getting it. :oops:

But thanks, anything that helps with the kill rate is good info!

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