BYC Café

Good morning Cafe and thanks for the much needed coffee. Rough night. I couldn't sleep and was out cleaning the hard water deposits out of my kitchen faucet with vinegar at 2 in the morning. :idunno I have yet to attempt to find and repair the leak in the pond and have been in avoidance (hence stress) mode.
Good morning Cafe and thanks for the much needed coffee. Rough night. I couldn't sleep and was out cleaning the hard water deposits out of my kitchen faucet with vinegar at 2 in the morning. :idunno I have yet to attempt to find and repair the leak in the pond and have been in avoidance (hence stress) mode.

Oh no! I’m sorry to hear that. Sleepless nights are no fun.
Good morning and thanks for the hot coffee! I have officially switched on my Winter Prep brain. This morning the temp read 27F and I headed out to feed horses in the warmth...
DL, I hope you can find the leak so that you can sleep easy!!! Cynthia, Hugs to you, too.
Enjoy the Saturday! Get some sun or have some fun...both!
I got in touch with my lizard side after doing a few chores like moving firewood, stacking firewood on an elderly lady's porch, refilling the barn with some hay from the outside stack,
storing the potatoes, depodding the soup beans, and hanging a sign up. Hot coffee and sunshine! Plus the sweeping and vacuuming, but those aren't chores, they are torture!
It was a gorgeous day today. No clouds, temp near 60, so perfect for working outside.

I've decided to try to grow grapes at one end of my heavy soil garden. I'm going to put a bunch of sand/compost in that area, as grapes like all the good stuff: well drained, fertile, and pH 5.5-6.5. We'll see how they do.

My neighbor is going to give me some slips/starts next spring. I asked her what kind of grapes she has, and she said, "Purple." :gig Good enough.
It was a gorgeous day today. No clouds, temp near 60, so perfect for working outside.

I've decided to try to grow grapes at one end of my heavy soil garden. I'm going to put a bunch of sand/compost in that area, as grapes like all the good stuff: well drained, fertile, and pH 5.5-6.5. We'll see how they do.

My neighbor is going to give me some slips/starts next spring. I asked her what kind of grapes she has, and she said, "Purple." :gig Good enough.

We grow grapes in harder soil. Takes them a little longer to get going, but they’ve been doing wonderfully!

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